Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kursus Kepimpinan Ketua Tingkatan & Penolong Ketua Tingkatan & PSS & PRS

Before today, I thought that I knew how to lead but actually I don't! Leading skills itself has a lot of skills to master and knowledge to explore. After what I learned today, no, I still don't know how to lead XD. It really takes a lot of time and effort to be a good leader, and what I mean good is really good. 

From what I been through today, the time was mostly given to ice breaking activity and some games. We were divided to few groups, and I managed to be with Yee Yan by coincidence and Azly too! The rest were strangers...(other than Mei Yan XD). And, theres always the I-give-you-majong-paper-you-write-your-group-name-and-stuffs stuffs (two stuffs, yes. No wrong) right? So our team name were

NO, not Banjaran Nakawan but its Gunung Nakawan instead. And no, ignore those guys in the photo. All I want is your Banjaran Nakawan. You all are useless for me. 

The instructor were the one said the title of our group name must be Gunung xxxx, so don't ask why is the name so weird =.="

So now, the real lecturer were only talking for like 30-45 minutes before we actually went to rest. The time was very very, VERY short. He didn't quite deliver all of what he can say but he did gave us 5 letters to leading basics.
- Amanah
- Disiplin
- Bijak
- Berhemah
- Berani

There's still further explanation about all the 5 basics there but you really really don't want me to write it here. Not that it's long, but you're reading a full page of text here!! 

So after the break, we explained our mahjong paper and so on. Let's skip this shall we? Then we play this game, where you need to fit your group (18 peoples in ours) in a piece of newspaper. Sounds familiar? YES! It's the game that we play last year in camp. When I heard that I thank god I went for last year camp. But the other teams weren't stupid too. Only one were unable to get the idea but almost all got the solution and started. We were the last because we were cutting like snails! WHO WAS THE ONE THAT CUT SO SLOW ONE?!?! me..hehehe!

But then Mei Yan took over halfway. We were still the last. When we open the newspaper that time, aiyak die liao. why so small one?!?! I thought I did it correctly. Then we quickly find alternative solution to "expand" it. In the end, berjaya jugak. Everyone can fit in but the newspaper were too thin it went broke off. Thats also because got people kacau. In the end, no one succeeds. Some of the groups was because kena kacau by people then the newspaper ter-koyak. why in the world they do so?! Its because the instructor told them to. But his intentions were actually trying to test them. It was all part of the test and we're the subjects. The instructors and lecturer wants to know whether that they will do what the instructor told to. But actually the instructor didn't want them to kacau us. It's complicated, just accept whatever you can accept, OKAY?!
them,they = the groups that lost

Then we play another game called. Lubang ajaib!!! The title sounds funny....right? XD Lubang!!! What we do in the game was, you clench your left fist in a circular shape and put it on the right knee of your left side person (duduk bersila) and then at the same time, the right person will be doing the same thing to your right knee because we're sitting in a circle! Then your right hand only need to point out your pointy finger and masukkan ke dalam lubang of the clenched circular fist. Once the instructor count till three, you have to both pull your finger out and at the same time clench your left fist! Isn't that easy?! Actually its not, it's doing two things simultaneously and I often forgot to clench my left fist because I concentrate more on escaping. But still I managed to be in the last...7? XD If got time then we play during PBSM or occasions like that. 

You want it to be any longer? Nah, I'm tired already. Next time I'll put up some photos! Alright? XD

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