Saturday, September 13, 2008

Romance 3 : 2/6

The next day,

We sleep so sweet until it is already 1pm!! We quickly dressed up and ate our breakfast-lunch.

Milk: Relax. Be positive.
Suki: You be positive. I will be realistic. Only left 15 minutes and the highway will be full of wheels. ITS SUNDAY!!
Milk: Yaya, whatever. Concentrate on your driving.

As always the highway is under-going-traffic-jam. Personally, I hate traffic jam because it is BORING and it gives me a headache. I hope that we arrive there in time.

After 12 minutes,

We actual arrive in time!! God bless us. We saw a crowd inside the church. We walked in.

Milk: Wow, can’t believe majority of CL’s friend is here. Even his secondary school friends are here! Kim seng, Mun kiet, Siew, Mun Lok and Nicholas are at there. Let’s greet them.

Suki: Ok, Ok.

While walking towards them, I saw Chris and Joey and greet them.

Milk: Hey, long time no see you two.
Chris: Yeah, since 2010.
Joey: Yup, so you’re here.
Milk: Yeah, I’m with a new friend of mine. Suki meet Chris and Joey. Joey and Chris meet Suki.
Suki: Hi, *shaking hands*
Joey & Chris: Hi.

* The crowds suddenly stop talking and looked at the stage *

Priest: Please, have your seats. We’re here to send our beloved friend, CL, to the heaven. So that he could sit beside God and help him. We shall not cry on his death because death will arrive to us sooner or later. Let us send him with a big goodbye. Amen.
Crowds: Amen.
Mun Lok: So, how it’s going ladies.
Joey, Chris, Milk & Suki: Just fine, thank you Shawn.

*Mun Lok replaced with Shawn*

Shawn: Wow, I can’t believe you all still remember my nickname. Guess you all aren’t retard YET.
Joey: Anyway, Chris and I are going to visit my mum because she is sick.
Shawn: Oh, ok. Drive safe.
Chris: We will. Thanks.

*Joey and Chris walked away from the church. Shawn walk back to his group.*

Milk: Hmm, I think we’re finish here. Where you wanna go?
Suki: *Is not replying Milk because she is looking towards a guy*
Milk: Hey, are you dreaming? Who are you looking at?
Suki: Oh, I’m sorry. Who is that guy? He seem very wealthy.
Milk: Brian, Brian Ong. He was the richest man in our school back then. Can’t believe he will attend CL’s funeral.
Suki: I see. Umm, let’s go back home. I’m tired.
Milk: Ok.

We went back and straight away went to bed. But I can’t fall asleep because I was worried that Suki will be interested in Brian. I waked up and went out to have some fresh air and walk near the park.

When I was looking at the river, I bumped to a guy. I looked at his face and I feel like I recognized the face of his. He talked with me.

Guy: Hey I’m sorry. Are you alright?
Milk: Ya, I’m fine. Do I know you?
Guy: I think yes. As the matter of fact, I think I recognized you but I forgotten your name.
Milk: Ya so do I.
Guy: Umm…are you Wong Tsu Ann?
Milk: Ya. Who are you?
Guy: I’m Daniel. Daniel Lum.
Milk: OH, I almost forgot. The kid that play with mud when he is 3 years old. So how are you now?
Daniel: Just fine. I missed the old days when we play mud together. Too bad we split when we are 4 years old.
Milk: Ya. So where do you live now?
Daniel: Not far from here. Where you live now? Where are your parents?
Milk: I live across the street. I live with my friend now.
Daniel: Oh.*Looking at the watch* Well I have to go. *Taking out something from the pocket*. Here take this. This is my address and my phone number
Milk: Ok, I will call you later. Bye.
Daniel: Bye

I went back to the apartment and put the paper on the dining table and turn on the TV.

I slept for a while.

Daniel: Hey…hey…hey..
Milk: Huh? What is that voice? Sounds familiar.
Daniel: It’s me, Daniel.
Milk: Oh, HUH?!? WHY YOU ARE ON MY BED?!?!
Daniel: I’m coming…

I wake up. It was just a dream and it almost drive me crazy…

Suki: Hey, are you alright? I heard you shout “NO” just now.
Milk: I’m fine, just a nightmare.
Suki: Umm, how can you have a nightmare when now is only evening?
Milk: *=.=”..* Yeah…nice joke.
Suki show smile expression.

The next day,

I went to the set because I had works to do today. After finish my work, I saw my boss.

An: Hi.
Milk: Hi, boss! What’s up?
An: Just want to tell you that we are having a new cameraman here, replacing Bernard because he is going to retired soon.
Milk: Well, Bernard should retire earlier, he’s old. So, what is the new cameraman name?
An: His name is Daniel, Daniel Lum. 3 years of experience in the other set. I hope you can show him around since you finished your work here/

I was shocked to hear that Daniel is going to work here. But at the same time, I’m feeling happy.

Milk: O...Ok…Okay…
Daniel: Hey guys.
An & Milk: Hey.
Daniel: Wow. What a surprise. You work here too?
Milk: Yeah…
An: So, you two knew each other. Milk, you should tell me just now.
Milk: I was too shocked and I forgot to tell you, boss.
An: Okay, never mind. Take Daniel and show him around. Take good care of him.
Milk: I will…
Daniel: Let’s go.
Milk: Ok.

I showed him around and talked with him a little so that he won’t be bored. My heart was beeping so fast when I am beside him. I was thinking back when we are kids and was playing around with muds.

Daniel: Hey.

Such a good time back then…

Daniel: HEY!!
Milk: Huh? Opps, sorry.
Daniel: Are you day-dreaming?
Milk: No….
Daniel: Well, I have to go now. Thanks for showing me around. See you tomorrow.
Milk: Ok. Bye

He left while waving and smile at me. His smile was so sweet, so… charming.
But then, I looked my watch. IT’S ALREADY 5.30!! I HAVE TO GO BACK AND PREPARE DINNER!!

After 3 hours,

Suki: Ok, I’m full. *Take her dish and washes them*
Milk: Ok. Wow, today you ate really quickly I suppose.
Suki: Yeah, I didn’t eat since 11 morning!!
Milk: Why?
Suki: Our restaurant has many customers today, can’t even have a break.
Milk: Poor little thing. Let me give you a massage later.
Suki: THANKS!!


Joey: *Yawning*, what a boring day.
Chris: Yeah. Umm, what about we go to Brian’s house?
Joey: Hmm, good idea. Call all our friends meet at there. See some old friends.
Chris: Ok, I call them now.

At Brian’s house,

Brian: Hey, come…come in.
Joey & Chris: Thanks.
Joey: Where is the others?
Brian: They are coming.
Joey: Oh.
Chris: So, how are you lately? How’s Johan?
Brian: Ahh, fine. So do Johan.
Chris: I see.

*Chris went to the toilet*

Joey: Hey Brian. Switch on the television please.
Brian: Ok.

*TV is switched on and the controller is handed by Joey. She keeps changing channels*

Joey: *Yawning* Nothing special today. Any nice DVDs?
Brian: Yeah, I got one very nice show. It is called “The Shutter”
Joey: What is the story about?
Brian: The story is about a guy that dating with one girl and then his friends rape her and took a picture of her. Then she does not want to live anymore so she jumped off the building. Since then, she come back to haunt his boyfriend.
Joey: Wow… Seem scary.
Brian: Yup, it is. But it actually gives a warning to those boys outside so they don’t dump their girlfriend and didn’t settle it in proper manner.
Joey: Umm, Where is the DVD? I want to watch it.
Brian: Ok. Watch them while waiting for others.

After 30 minutes, Brian went to the kitchen to prepare some foods with Chris.

Joey: AHHH.
Brian & Chris: What happen?
Joey: Err, nothing…
Brian: Haha… are you scared?
Joey: Of cause not… I think I just saw a cockroach passed by.
Brian: Oh, is that so? Hehehe
Joey: Yeah.
Brian: Ok then.

*Brian and Chris went back to the kitchen*

Chris: Hehehe… actually she is scared. I can see her feelings through her action.
Brian: Haha. Let’s keep it a secret.
Chris: Ok.

Around 5 minutes later,

*Ding-Dong. Ding-Dong*

Joey: Hey Brian, open the door. They came already.
Brian: Okok.

*Brian opened the door and greets them*

Brian: Hi guys.
Shawn, Mun Kiet, Rage, Tuck Pin, Sherry: Hi!
Joey: Hey guys.
Shawn: Hey, nice to meet you again.
Joey: Yeah.
Rage: Nothing changes around here… same old stuffs.
Brian: Yup, you can say that again.
Mun Kiet: Is the food prepared? I didn’t eat since morning!
Tuck Pin: Yeah, I’m also hungry. This morning, I and Mun Kiet went to play basketball till 2pm!
Sherry: No wonder so smelly!
Mun Kiet: …, we bathe already la. Maybe it’s your fart that makes the smell.
Sherry: …
Joey: Anyway, today I called you all to come is because of one reason.
Shawn: That is?
Joey: Reunion.

* All of them showing a LAME expression. =.=” *

Rage: You called us…just to see each other?
Joey: Yeah, Do you have problem with that? * Showing angry expression *
Rage: No…
Mun Kiet: At last.
Tuck Pin: Yeah!!

*Chris coming out with a plate of unknown food…*

Mun Kiet: What is it?
Chris: My secret recipe food!
Mun Kiet: Details?
Chris: It is shrimp with mayonnaise and wrap with chili.
Tuck Pin: Let me try first…

* Tuck Pin put the shrimp into his mouth and taste it… and then swallow it *

Tuck Pin: Mmm, yummy!
Mun Kiet: Ok! Let’s eat!!

They have fun till the rest of the day. Each of them started to go back when the clock reaches 10. Although they are tired, but they are happy to meet back their old friends in SMKTS.


Milk: Too bad I can’t go to the reunion yesterday. I have too much work to do!!
Suki: It’s alright. You can go for next reunion. Don’t worry.
Milk: I hope so.

After finish my breakfast, I went to the set and find Daniel.

Daniel: Hey!
Milk: Yo! So, how is your first day of work?
Daniel: Fine, just normal.
Milk: Well, keep up the good work! I will be eating lunch with you. Ok?
Daniel: Ok, thanks! I will meet you at the canteen at 1.30pm.
Milk: Ok.

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