Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Romance 3 : 3/6

At the canteen,

Daniel: Hey! Here!
Milk walk towards the table that Daniel is sitting.

Milk: Yo. So who is buying?
Daniel: Perhaps, me?
Milk: Just joking! Haha! I will pay for myself.
Daniel: Ok...

Both of us have nothing to talk. So we just finish our lunch. I pack my things and ready to go back to work and…

Daniel: Hey, what about dinner tonight. This one on me.
Milk: Err… I think that will be fine.
Daniel: Ok then. What about 8? At Tinker Bell?
Milk: Ok…

I was getting nervous as the time when the clock turns from 3 to 4… 4 to 5… 5 to 6… 6 to 7… and lastly 6 to 7.30… I am looking forward to our dinner and this feeling…I never had it with Suki. It’s so special. I don’t think much after that. I went to Tinker Bell and I’m already late!

Receiver: Hi. Are you looking for your friend(s)?
Milk: Ya. His name is Daniel Lum.
Receiver: Wait a minute.

*Looking in a some kind of book and found his name*

Receiver: Here it is table 88. I will take you there.
Milk: Ok.

*Daniel is waving towards Milk and Milk is waving too.*

Milk: Hi, sorry I’m late.
Daniel: It’s ok for girls to be late.
Milk: So, what’s on the menu today?

*Both of them ordered food and talked a lot till the clock reaches 10*

Milk: It’s getting late. I should go back now.
Daniel: Let me send you home.
Milk: Ok.

*Milk fell down and suddenly Daniel grab her and they have a special eye contact* 0.0”

Daniel: Are you ok?
Milk: Ya…
Daniel: You should be careful next time.
Milk: Ok…

Daniel drives her back and during the ride, Milk accidently drops her lipstick. Daniel stops his car beside the road.

Daniel: Let me take that for you.
Milk: Thanks.

*And again, both of them have the eye contact again that they had in the restaurant. Daniel can’t stand anymore and kissed Milk. Both of them rents a room at a motel and (you know what they did. I don’t have to explain so details here)*

The next day,

Both of them wake up and kissed each other and Daniel drives her back to her apartment.

Daniel: Bye. See you later in the set.
Milk: Ok.

Milk went back to her apartment and Suki was worried sick.

Suki: Where did you go last night!! I was worried!!
Milk: I…I…just…working late yesterday… and I slept in the set.
Suki: Don’t ever do that again!! Go bath and eat the breakfast on the table.
Milk: Ok…sorry.

I finish my breakfast and went to the set and meet Daniel.

Daniel: Hi.
Milk: Hi.
Daniel: So, how are you last night? You seem great!
Milk: Fine. You are great too.
Daniel: Well, will I see you later?
Milk: Ya. What about lunch?
Daniel: Ok.

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