Thursday, September 25, 2008

Romance 3 6/6 The Ending

In Brittany,

I packed up my stuffs and went to my mother's house..Phew...Home Sweet Home. My mom, Diu Lan Jiao and my father, Wong Chi Bai has been living here since I moved. I send some money to them every month for their living.

Milk: Hey! I'm back!!
WCB: Welcome back sweetie!!
DLJ: Sweetie come here come here. I want to see have you been slimming or not. Hmm, seem that you become fatter now!
Milk: Yeah, anyway, this time I come back is to tell you that I am going to marry 2 more weeks later. So I hope you two can attend my wedding.
WCB: Wow! That is fast, don't you think? We haven't meet this guy.
DLJ: Yeah, he has a point, sweetie. Can you at least bring us to meet him?
Milk: know this guy. He is Daniel Lum from our old neighbourhood!!
WCB: Oh! That little kid that play with mud when he is 3 years old. He is a good boy.
DLJ: Yeah! That little boy. How is he now?
Milk: He is fine. He work as a cameraman in my studio. He is a gentleman now. XD
WCB: I see. So did you come back just to inform us this?
Milk: Of cause not. I need to tell our neighbours and invite them to our wedding and something else...
DLJ: What is that thing?
Milk: Something that I have to solve it before I go back.
WCB: Will you be OK?
Milk: Yeah. Don't worry. Your sweetie is already 23.

Milk goes to Suki's house and try to find Suki.

Milk: Hi Auntie Ma Hai! How are you?
AMH: Oh Hi sweetie!! I'm just fine!! How are you?
Milk: Fine too. Where is Suki?
AMH: She went to the old place where you two always hang out. She seem very sad since she came back. What happen between you two? I ask her and she never answer me.
Milk: I see. It's nothing actually... I will find her later. Anyway, I am going to marry 2 weeks later. So please go to this hotel and attend my wedding.
AMH: Oh. You are going to marry already!! How romantic... Let me give you something as a wedding present.
Milk: There is no need for that.
AMH: No No. This is a must. Take this necklace. My dead husband gift it to me when he proposed to me. Let me help you.
Milk: Then, thanks. Remember to be at there in time. I go find Suki first.

Milk went to the seaside where they usually hang out back then. They always walk along the seaside and watch the sun sets. She remembered that they have their first kiss there.

When Milk reaches there, she saw Suki is walking to the sea and was going to commit suicide.

Milk: NO!! Don't do it Suki!! Come back here!
Suki: Why did you come back? I want to die!!

Milk ran to her and grab her back to the seaside.

Milk: Why did you do that!! Auntie Ma hai is going to be sad if you died. She also need you to take care of her. She doesn't want you to die.
Suki: ..... I.... I.... I .... sorry....I didn't realize what I am doing...
Milk: You should not say sorry to me! You should say sorry to Auntie Ma Hai!! She raise you with tears and sweats.
Suki: Sorry....
Milk: Haiz, anyway, I am going to marry next 2 weeks. I gave the wedding invitation card to Auntie Ma hai. Please be in time..
Suki: You are really going to marry that guy?!?! How could that be! You two has just be together not more than 3 months!!
Milk: Love cannot be judged by time. We loved each other. And I am inviting you because I still take you as a friend. Please attend our wedding.
Suki: Then...Then...Then...I two happy...
Milk: Thank you. Here, let me help you walk back to your house.
Suki: Ok...thanks..

Then, Milk inform every neighbour that she knew and went back earlier. Daniel was very surprised that Milk come back 1 week earlier.

Milk: Hiya, darling I'm back!!! SURPRISED?
Milk: Haha.. so how is our wedding?
Daniel: Everything is almost done.
Milk: Good!!

After 3 weeks later,
Their big wedding,

Milk: I'm nervous, darling!!
Daniel: Don't be!! This is our big wedding !! XD
Milk: Here we go!!

Nicholas:Now we welcome our couple tonigt. Mr Daniel Lum and Miss Milk Wong. After tonight, she will be Mrs Lum so give them a warm applause!!

After Nicholas give a speech. All of them congratulates the new couple.

Nicholas: Hey, how are you guys?
Daniel: Just fine. So how are you?
Nicholas: Just dating with Sherry lately..
Sherry: *Showing shy face expression* Please don't...

Nicholas and Sherry stood on stage and the crowds force them to kiss. Both of them are shy and in the end, they kissed. The situation was full of love and romantic...

Milk and Daniel look at their friends...An, Ragean, Brian, Nicholas, Sherry, Shawn, Mun Kiet,Tuck Pin, Joey, Suki and Chris. All of them are so happy that Milk and Daniel are marrying. Both of them are happy to get such friends that are so caring about them.

They have fun all the night and Daniel and Milk thank them all for coming.

Milk: Thank you for coming tonight. Hope you have fun.
Suki: Yeah, I did. He is a nice man. Treat him well.
Daniel: What were you girls talking?
Milk: Nothing... just craps xD
Suki: Yeah, bye now. I have to go back to Brittany tomorrow morning.
Daniel & Milk: Bye!

Daniel and Milk go back to their lovely home and have ( I don't have to explain in details, but you will surely know what they did in bed that couples do after marrying)

After 4 months,

Milk went to hospital to check because recently she vomited and has pain under her stomach.

Milk: Doctor, I'm vomit and I feel very pain under my stomach.
Doctor: Congratulation, you have a baby, Mrs Lum.
Milk: What?!? I have a baby?!?!
Doctor: Yeah! 3 months.
Milk: Oh my god!! I must give surprise to my husband!! Thank you doctor!
Doctor: You are welcome.

Milk: Darling, we have a baby!!
Daniel: Oh my!! How many months?!
Milk: The doctor say 3 months!! I'm so happy!
Daniel: I am too!!

Soon, after 7 months. The baby boy/ boy baby is borned. Daniel and Milk named him Martin Lum Cheok Ming. They took good care of him and who knows...maybe there are another baby in 1 year time.

And they live happily ever after.....

-The End-

Milk and Daniel


Nicholas, Tuck Pin, Chris and Daniel

Chris and Joey


Mun Kiet

and the author of this story....
Sorry no picture of the author. He ran when he finishes this story.

Happy Reading xD!!

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