Sunday, September 21, 2008

Romance 3 5/6

Daniel: What happen? Why she left with an angry face?
Milk: It's nothing...

After 2 months,

Daniel and Milk are in the Tuileries Gardens holding hands and walking through the gardens together.

Daniel: Why are you going to Brittany? I will be worried if you go there alone.
Milk: I'm going there to visit my parents to tell them I have a fiancee now. And to solve some problems there.
Daniel: When will you come back?
Milk Around 2 weeks.
Daniel: Haiz, when will you leave?
Milk: Tomorrow.
Daniel: But I love you, I can't leave you go alone...
Milk: No, shh. Listen to me, Daniel, I will be back. Don't worry.
Daniel: But our big wedding is another 1 month!! I hope you can come back in time. In case your plane delayed or Brittany's airports all been blow up by terrorists or etc.
Milk: Didn't I told you, don't worry, be happy. :D
Daniel: Ok. I trust you.

Milk went to Brittany and Daniel is planning for their wedding. Maybe some customize he is thinking.

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