Friday, September 19, 2008

Romance 3 4/6

After the lunch,

Milk: Hey, do you want to eat dinner today?
Daniel: Err, okay. I meet you at the entrance of the set later around...8.
Milk: Ok.

When the clock reaches 7.45. I pack my stuffs and going to meet Daniel. But before that I went to toilet. Then suddenly, I saw a guy coming towards me very fast and put something in my mouth and I...

Daniel: Geez, where is Milk?! It's already 8.30!

After 30 minutes,

Daniel: Where could Milk be! It's already 9.00 and she haven't shown up.

*Now suddenly a song has been played. Please wait for the song buffering below this message*
I Will Be Right Here Waiting For You - Bryan Adams

Daniel: Hmm, where could she be? Maybe she got problem or ... I think I will call her now!

* Daniel took his handphone from his pocket and called Milk. *

Tut...Tut...Tut...The number you have dialed cannot be reached...

Daniel: Shit! She is really in trouble! I better go back in the set to find her!

After minutes of searching, Daniel found Milk in the woman's toilet and she was naked! Daniel quickly use his clothes to cover her body and called 999.

Then, Milk was sent to the hospital and Daniel is talking to the police.

Daniel: I actually have a date with her today and we will be meeting at 8pm but she never shown up. So I got worried and find her. Then, I found her naked in the woman's toilet. So I called the police.
Police: Ok. You can go back home rest now. Any further investigates, I will contact you.
Daniel: OK.

Suddenly Suki come in and ask the nurse about Milk.

Suki: Nurse!! I have a friend that just came in this hospital!! Her name is Milk Wong Tsu Ann.
Nurse 1: Please wait for a moment...... She is in the emergency ward.
Suki: Thanks!
Daniel: Hey, are you Milk's friend?
Suki: Yeah.
Daniel: I'm her boyfriend. I think she just got raped!
Suki: HUH?! What the heck? I want a explanation as soon as she gets up!!
Nurse 2: Who is Milk Wong Tsu Ann's family?
Suki: I am her friend.
Daniel: I am her boyfriend.
Nurse 2: OK, we checked her vagina and found a trace of sperm. We sent the DNA to the police. They will catch the raper.
Daniel: Oh my god...thank you nurse...

Suki had nothing to say but looked pale.

Then Milk is sent to a room.

Suki: Hey are you alright?
Milk: Yeah, I'm fine...what happen just now? and why do I feel pain in my lower part of my body..
Daniel: That are just reaction of the medicines... * cheating Milk and doesn't want to tell that she has been raped*
Milk: Oh, but I saw a guy put something in my mouth and then I slept.
Daniel: Yeah, then I came and beat the crap out of him.
Milk: Phew...thank god I never get raped.
Suki: So, when did you get a boyfriend?
Milk: Err, Daniel can you go buy a porridge or lemon juice for me?
Daniel: Ok...

*Daniel went out*

Suki: So? is our relationship ended?
Milk: I don't know... but Daniel is...
Suki: Charming, huh? It's over between us. I am leaving.
Milk: Please don't.
Suki: Sorry, I have to.

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