Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Romance 3 : Modern Love First Half

Romance 3 : Modern Love

“Hey”, the voice came from the bathroom.
“Yes?”, I said loudly.
“Did you wash the dishes? And the laundries?” the voice came from the bathroom again.
“Yeah, I did.”, I said.
“Alright.”, the voice seem to be somewhere in my room.

Let me introduce myself first. My name is Milk Wong Tsu Ann. I am 23. Well, for most of the girls of my age, it’s pretty normal to have a mate to live in apartment. But it’s actually different. Many people have mention, and is quite agreed with our doing. I am proud to be a lesbian. I have found my mate at the age of 19. We two were friends back then. But sooner and sooner, we found out that we loved each other so much, we can do everything for our love.

As for my mate, her name is Suki Loke Yee Yan. Likewise to me, she was one of a kind of girl that would give anything for love. We have been living with each other since 2017. Well, we sleep together, eat together, bath together, play together and kiss together. We feel no shame of our doing although was not agreed by our family.

I work as an actress. Not as a primary actor but just simple actors. I still can pay for our living. I earn about RM 2500 a month and my mate work as a waitress. She earn RM 9 per hour. We have holidays on Sunday and Saturday and usually we go out and see movies. But today it’s different.

“Hey, stop dreaming. Quickly come and bath with me. We are going to be late for CL’s funeral.” Suki said.
“Yaya. I’m coming”, I said.

After 30 minutes. We manage to get there on time.

“Phew, at last, we are here.” Suki said.
“Yeah, but where is the others?” I said while looking left and right.
“Hmm, you are right. Maybe they haven’t come or…” Suki said.
“Or?” I said.
“Or we went into wrong place!! Or the funeral already ENDED!!” Suki said angrily.
“Is that possible? It’s only 1.50 and the funeral starts at 2pm. And I heard that Joey said it is suppose to be here.” I said while looking to my watch.
“What’s the date?” Suki said.
“Err, 18th of September.” I said while wondering why she asked.
“The funeral is on 19th of September!! SUNDAY!! Today is Saturday!!” Suki said angrily.
“……, never mind. Let’s go to Timesquare and watch Romance 2 : World at Love. I’m buying it.” I said.
“Alright, alright. We come again tomorrow.”

Timesquare stands from 2006 till present. Although it contains many history, but most of the people prefer going KLCC or Pavilion.

After watching the movie.

“Aww, the movie sucks badly. Prince Clon should not die in the last and Princess Joey should not commit suicide too. Good starting, bad ending.” Suki said.
“Nah, I think it’s romantic. The Princess would die for the Prince although their love is not agreed by their parents.” I said.
“Whatever.” Suki said.

We went back to our apartment and bath. After that, Suki prepared dinner. We talked a little about the movie and about the funeral tomorrow. And so we talked about CL little.

“It’s too bad CL die too early. He was a nice guy.” Suki said sadly.
“Yeah, after the car accident, many of his friends were sad.” I said sadly.
“He was always happy. Even at the most difficult time for us, he tried to cheer us up. And now he’s dead, 5 feet underground SOON!!” Suki said
“You’re right. He didn’t manage to get a girlfriend and passed away too soon.” I said.

After eating the dinner, we watched TV and then we slept.

-Please Stay Tuned for Next Half-
Apa yang kurang dikeji jangan. ^.^

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