Sunday, July 18, 2010

A Betrayal

A betrayal
10 years has passed since I have spoken to him, barely have the time to even remember who he was and what he did to me. Back then, I was a respectable person by all the people I know. Now, I’m just nothing but a deserted rat. This is what happened…
10 years ago
Today was a sunny day. I decided to go out with my best friend, Paul, after he invited me for a movie. We haven’t been hanging out a lot lately due to his work and mine too. What to do? Right now it is hard to earn couple of bucks just to buy a cup of Teh Tarik. I guess it’s the second economic crisis since 1997. Tough life, I could say.
With just minutes away before I met Paul at the LRT station, I saw one suspicious guy wearing black and green striped shirt with a dark grey jeans. Although he looks normal on the outside, but he seems to be planning for something. Perhaps he is a train hijacker? Nah, this only happens in aeroplanes. Awh, nothing is going to happen. He’s just some random guy holding a black bag with his hand. Nothing could possibly go wrong.
I regretted what I said that day. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING went wrong that day. I made a wrong decision that moment and I regret it till the end of my life.
“Hey, Paul”, I said. He replied with a wave and a forceful smile on his face. I was curious of his reaction. Right after that, the train came and both of us boarded the train immediately. “What happened? Is something wrong?” I asked him. “N-n-nothing. I’ve just caught a cold last night”, he said slowly. But, from my experience I don’t see symptoms of him catching a cold. But, why would he lie to me?
Moments later when we finally reached our stop, I saw the suspicious guy following us. I didn’t really pay much attention afterwards on him, because I was assuming everything was fine. We walked out of the station and proceeds to the mall. On the way there, something happened. “Hey, could you stop for a moment? I have to go back and get something”, Paul said. “Alright. Make it quick”, I replied. He ran back to the station with haste. A few minutes later, he walks slowly and I saw his feet were kind of unstable. He was holding a bag. That bag was kind of familiar to me. Then, I figured out that it was the bag the suspicious man was bringing! “What the hell is that? You know that black shirt guy?”, I asked him with a little curiosity. “Don’t care about him. Let’s go”, he said. We walked through the shops before entering the mall. Although I was curious of what’s inside the bag, but I have no privileges to open it.
Suddenly, two cops were walking pass in front of us. Paul was a little scared as I saw his hands were shaking mildly. “Help me to hold this bag a while. Do not, I repeat do not open it. I have to go to the bathroom. Wait me here”, he quickly finishes his sentence. “Oh okay”, I answered. I was very curious of what’s inside the bag but Paul said not to open it. I have to keep my words. All of a sudden, the two cops ran towards me and cuffed me in the hand. One of the cops opened the bag. Its fully contain with flour-like powder packed inside a plastic bag. I was brought to the police station. Unaware of what is happening, I asked one of the cops nearby the cell. He said that I was in accomplice with one of the biggest drug dealer in the world. Those flour-like powder was all heroin.
I was stunned. Now I only know, I’ve been betrayed by my best friend. I have been sentenced to 25 years of prison in Sungai Buloh. All the evidences were concrete. Now, I have learned my lesson. Never trust anyone, including your best friend. Or else you will more or less the same fate as mine. 

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