Sunday, July 25, 2010

Clon's Post

Sakit kepala! 

That happens all the time when I play Cod. Blurry surrounding meaning 100% concentration. Fly here fly there means 100% flexibility of the hands. Most important is when shooting, 100% accuracy. So you can imagine how my hands and eyes could be damaged from this, literally. 

Anyhow, how's your preparation for the up coming exam? I guess you're ALMOST done the same as me, well hopefully not. I did NOTHING! HAHA!! I wouldn't give hundred percent effort unless its the last minute. So by saying it now, I'm practically only studied sejarah and that is also half-bucket filled with water. Hope that tomorrow I could buck it up and study for BM, Physics and Maths. Maybe you're wondering, Maths need to read? For me, it's finally a yes. I suck at Mathematical Reasoning! Lalala~ 

Anyway, thanks again Tsu Ann for lending your pd. And you know what? I forgot to copy Kara's one this time =x HAHAHAHAHAHA~ But it's fine. I will download it later, maybe. 

Just if you don't know about this thing, I will inform you here. This coming Sunday, we are going to timesquare. :) HAHHAHAHAHHAHAAHA (I'm sedang syok sendiri, ignore this part)

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