Thursday, July 22, 2010

Clon's Post

Yeah so how's the Wibiya going? I hope just fine, hahaha. Since nobody really click the Join Chat cause there WEREN'T ANYONE AROUND. But I will promise myself next time when I on got people at there :) at least ONE! If you aren't aware of how to sign in, just click the Join Chat, login with either Facebook, Twitter and etc. Then you're all set! 
Even if there aren't anyone there, just pretend that there are and chat with yourself kk? XD

Anyway, I came across this website called . It searches the wallpaper or randomly searches the wallpaper and gave out various kind of beautiful ones too. So I decided to search "snsd" with the search engine they provided, and this came up. 

It's quite funny actually. A anime girl with a piece of paper written I found nothing on it. And again, I changed my keyword to girls generation and it came out things you can't even imagine. So, don't ask :) If you want to know, go to that website and search it yourself. But becareful, make sure nobody is beside you that time (: HAHAHAHA~

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