Sunday, July 18, 2010


The Books family is well known for their fame and wealth. Even so, Robert Books and his wife, Mary Books only gifted with one female child. Her name was Julia Books.
Many years has passed. Julia has grown up. Even though she is just a teenager, but her maturity thinking was already exceeds any female of her age. One day, Mary was diagnosed for an ovary cancer. Doctor said it was the final stage and nothing could be done. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy has no effect on the cancerous cells. Julia was very sad.
3 months has passed, Mary finally has rest in peace. But before she died, she left Julia a book. Julia though it was just some book her mother bought when she was still alive and didn’t manage to read it or finish it, so she passes it down to Julia. But, it was not any ordinary book.
Robert was very upset upon Mary’s dead. He couldn’t bear with the loneliness and started to drink and goes on clubs every night. Even if Julia gave advice to him, he did not listen and sometimes even slap Julia in the face. She is fed up with her father’s attitude. She began to hang out with those thugs to calm her down.
Not too long later, she got herself a new boyfriend. He was very handsome and was the love thief among his gangs. Their relationship goes on all well for few months. Julia’s pure innocence has been contaminated by him. She learned how to smoke and sometimes even take drug like ecstasy. One day, her boyfriend asked her to have sexual intercourse. She agreed.
A week later, she called her boyfriend’s phone but he didn’t answer. She texted him but he did not reply. She tried to find him but couldn’t search him in his house. Julia figured out that something is not going right. She asked one of her boyfriend’s friends about his whereabouts and found out that he is in a club. She went there furiously and saw him hugging and kissing a girl. She was very mad and slapped him in the face and went away. She returned home, crying. She knew that something like this could happen from the start, but she kept on ignoring her feelings and hang out with him. When she was crying, she suddenly saw the book which has been left by her mother before she dies. It was full of dusts.
Julia cleaned the book and read the book. She found out that the book was her mom’s diary. In the book, it writes that her grandmother was actually a fortune teller. It was predicted that Julia will met a guy that will break her heart and steals what’s most important from her body. The book ended with a poem called “He had such quiet eyes”. Julia regretted that she did not read the book at the first place during the time her mom gave it to her. Suddenly, her front door was knocked and a few policemen came. They were here to take Julia back to the police station under for consuming drugs.
She was sentenced to 10 years of jail. Her future was demolished right in front of her own eyes, by her own hands. The Books family’s incident now has become the hot topic of the neighbourhood. Because of this, Robert committed suicide in his house by hanging a rope around his neck. When Julia found out about this, she couldn’t accept the reality and committed suicide too. Now every night, voices can be heard from the Books family house. Nobody dares to enter. It was said that the Books family reunites at their house….or was it?

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