Friday, August 13, 2010

Clon's Post - Jia Wei Birthday.

Woot. Finally the day had come. Although we kind of failed but not so failed, still we manage to pull it out. Did you guys noticed that you guys started without me D: ? Well I guess more me or less me also won't affect much. Since it's the song that matters, hahaha! So yeah, I didn't take any photos on the whole process no matter its before, during or after because I kinda left my camera at home and so does my phone. AND the Cheese Cake we made is delicious! is a bit "lau". I feel like a stack of fatty acid and glycerol is bouncing around my throats. 

Oh well, I actually forgot what to write since this post came on quick. I wanted to post this tonight one but somehow something PUSHED my to post it now. Probably after visiting the NG video Jia Chern made. Here is the link >> Video

That's all for now. Maybe if I remember something, I will post again.....COCKROACH!! haha~

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