Sunday, August 22, 2010

Clon's Post - Sad!

Have you ever thought, you maybe sitting on your couch, enjoying your favourite movie drama, drinking nice cup of coke or tea, having family members around and chit chat along? But anything could happen. You may DIE right after few seconds later. If destiny meant you to live, you live. If it doesn't, you die. Naturally. According to Wikipedia, die means death and death means a termination of the biological functions that sustain a living organism. Refer to here. So what happened made me said so? You really want to know? See below loh..

Wait, you really really want to know? You do know I'm being "mou liu" right? But if you seriously want to know, spend more time reading below.

I can't believe how "38" are you. You really read this. Oh well I tell you la now. Read bottom again.

It's about one of my family member relative. None of your business right? :DDD HAHHAA~~

Alright la, there's a new that I could actually share. My hair dresser (barber whatsoever) that cut my hair actually went to Tanjung Rambutan (not the real place but he really did went to hospital sakit jiwa I think). Apparently, he carry those genes that somehow related to sakit jiwa thingy. Then he had been taking medicine to somehow hold it. My mum said that if he didn't eat medicine and becomes gila gila abit, he will talk about money. And last time when I go to his shop, he was like talking about buying a Honda Civic/City for his laopo. Lucky he didn't went insane that day and cut my ears/head off. How tragic huh? He's very young. Probably 25-28 only la I think. Such a waste...

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