Sunday, August 29, 2010

Clon's Post - SINGAPORE!!! WOOT!!

I took 15 minutes to even start this post. Ok another 10 minutes gone. First 15 minutes delay is because I got a few fans find me hahaha :D Another 10 minutes delay is because of KAH WAI who suddenly CALL ME TO PRINT THE BROCHURE AND SOMETHING HAPPENED! Screw it, don't care anymore since it's already settled now. So....right after the night party at Kha Joe's house. I went back and packed few stuffs. 5am and off I go, not Singapore but toilet XD. Around 5.45 went out. Meet up with my cousins at Leisure Mall and goes to Singapore. First day isn't quite exciting. Just went to Sentosa and walk around. Nothing in particular I could remember other than the Songs of the Sea. It's quite a show. Magnificent laser beam and PANCUT water..not sp*rm. 

Next day went to Universal Studio Singapore. I have to say, their Mummy Roller Coaster rocks! I went for THREE times ( two times consequently ) FUN MAN! After you ride for the first time, you'll hunger for second!! Anyway, that's not all I just played. I went for a show called Shrek 4-D something. Got 3-D effect and the seats move a bit. Then when the donkey in the movie sneeze, got water pancut at your face.  EWWWW !! Erm still got another junior roller coaster. Although it's called JUNIOR roller coaster but it's quite "junior" too, if you get what I mean. One more, which made me wet like soaked. Jurassic Park. Epic, my whole body wet including my shoes (school shoes somemore). Its something like a "sui pou" 

Then it goes on the water. At first the ride was normal, just some random splashes of water. Then suddenly it went inside some kind of factory and suddenly there is like a lift lifting us upwards. Then one door open and off we go. Once landed on the water, the wave kena my whole body and my pants with shoes basah kuyup. I saw people with raincoats but I don't think that is gonna block a lot of the water. Haha! After all that, we watched some show. Waterworld, Monster Rock and that's all. The food there is EXTREMELY "CHEAP"!! You got to bring your own food inside if you don't wanna bankrupt. Typically theme park. 

I actually looked around for TAEYEON!! But can't found her anywhere. Haha I took one photo of a person look like her from the behind, if I'm not blind of course. And one more in the Universal Studio, damn mirip leh. Hair same, short short dei, white white dei, face structure a bit same and wear black sunglasses. BUT when she took it off, it's just another random girl in Singapore. Perhaps she wanted to intimidate Taeyeon :P, who knows? Maybe I think too much, but it's a great experience overall. Imagine if Taeyeon really there, I think I'm going crazy LOL! 

So today, we went to take photos with the Merlion in the morning. Just around 10 minutes and off we go to Vivo City, a shopping complex. Here is where I meet my old pal, Chloe/Khloie/Ho Yan, whichever you prefer. I guess most of you guys already met her last December @ Timesquare. We went around, chit chat and talked a lot of things. So I thought, hey what about I come to your house during Hari Raya with An. It will be great! Even her mom said ok :D (her mom actually came to treat me makan but I said I'm still full from morning's chicken rice XD). Still, that's a plan. Working and living in Singapore really pays off, a lot. Although the rent there are extremely "cheap" again as well. The foods are great in the food court, well some of it. The street is clean, as always. I took a few photos, but I think I will be uploading it through Facebook. Easy and fast. 

Still got a little bit, just now I had a miss call and a text from Jia Chern at around 8.07 asking whether I want to work at McD or not. So I went for interview and there it goes. The manager said that if I were to work, it had to be around 4-12 evening to night. I had to ask my parents first so he say he hold me for a moment and call me again. But I think it's alright now maybe. I'm gonna work during Raya along with Jia Chern, Yue Chiao, Mun Seng, Chun Weng and Cheok Ming. But probably not the same shift. RM6/h ^^. Get a few bucks to pay my debt with my mom hahaha~

So that's all, bye.
Anyway, did anyone missed me?

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