Sunday, August 15, 2010


I just saw something pretty interesting, or rather it was a few hours ago. There was this signature (usually pictures  or an icon at forums to show something) in Well actually before I post this, I didn't have the picture and I actually wrote this post halfway already. Then I googled and I found the picture (if I wrote it down, it will be less interesting, wouldn't it?). So, enjoy and laugh!

The reason why the computer replied "your password isn't long enough" is because usually they prompt for a 6-digit at least for new passwords. Some 4 but it depends on the site itself. 

One more signature I came across last time. I don't know whether I have shown to you guys or not but I think I have shown it to Tsu Ann. *Warning explicit image is going to be shown*

May this be your first and last guide when you are posting in a forum. Although it's kind "fishy", but its correct in some way. And I somehow thinks that this picture actually taken from one the the members of SNSD! Perhaps during Gee or something? Hahaha

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