Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve

First things first, Merry Christmas!

No no no, I'm not a christian btw. I'm just celebrating for fun. *Yo peace yo Jesus, Happy Birthday!*

Ok here's the thing. We I start off with waking up 6 in the morning and work from 7 to 3 something...then come back home bath and then go tuition again ( this time round CL = diamond man :P) Once I reach the tuition centre ground floor (the tuition centre is located on the second floor) I already saw a few of my friends standing there. So I guess the door haven't open. After a while when its almost 5, I called my teacher (Mr Sir Alvin here...) and asked where he is. He said he was actually on his way. But he didn't know the door was not OPENED! When he reaches he was a lil shock but the expressions weren't much. minimize the time loss, he gave us the quiz (WHICH was supposed to be last week's work) on the spot. Yeah, we did it without the classroom, means no tables and chairs.

To prove that I did not lie, here's some pictures :)

he's distributing the quiz paper..

to us....soon

And then we started doing. After when the boss sudah mari, we went up and continued our lesson....

PLEASE, NO NEXT TIME ALRIGHT?! Cause the auntie from the beside shop keep on chasing us away from her store's front entrance!

So after the tuition, we went to Cheok Ming's House for the Christmas Eve party. Not much of entertainment here other than the failed tissue game and another more epic fail magic chair. The magic chair just, requires TOO much of energy to hold on with. I have to train my thigh now!!

and so we had 

pizza for dinner. Sorry for the pepperoni there, I didn't intend to order beef. 

And after dinner, they all

watch TV.....and some of them are still eating btw. 

and here's me,
taking photos of the presents. We're gonna exchange it when the time comes at 12. 

After 12, we went to the nearby playground to actually see fireworks but end up playing the things that have in the playgrounds, swing swing, etc. I feel like I'm five again. 

Later, we went back to the house and do a bit of cleanup and everyone heads back home. I wasn't the last actually. Jia Chern, Nic and Chun weng was the last =P!!

No matter how, merry christmas again! *PEACE JESUS! HAHA*

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