Thursday, December 2, 2010

Its..been..three days?

So long tarak post jor. Some more tarak go do the referral link thingy. My total visitor drop to 94 this week! Daily only got around 9 or 10. Damn epic.. 

Anyway, don't mind about that anymore cause that isn't the issue now. They don't affect much, just my spirit nuffnang money. Ah well, we don't talk money, right

Hermm, what was my topic again? I often forget what I want to say when it reaches to here. Ah..yeah. Today is December liao (like the second day of December. I'm late, I know.)

What are we gonna do about December huh...Tuition perhaps? Starting next week on Monday, Thursday and Friday I'm gonna go tuition for Form 5 syllabus already. There goes my 1 month of holiday. Some more I have to take "leave" from McD on those three days. If not, you gonna see me sleeping in the tuition centre that time. 

And one more thing, did I mention we gonna do a party this end of year?

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