Friday, December 17, 2010


These few days, I'm really really and I mean REALLY tired. Most of them are because of the work I'm doing now. Heck, working in McD isn't as easy as you think. Frankly, it depends on your position. If you're standing counter, all you experience is dry lips and a couple hours of sour legs. If you're doing drive-thru, all you experience is just a little bit more than the counter, you will experience shoulder pain a little. If you work in kitchen, and this is what I do almost everyday, you will experience burns, sour shoulder, sour legs, back pain, eyes sore and the most critical thing is, you will be dealing with a whole bunch of immature malays (no I don't mean that they are stupid, they are immmaturely funny. =D) 

Thing is, I'm not trying to say anything, I'm just COMPLAINING! I'm just...gonna..go through this for another...10 days...Funny thing is, 10 days is enough to tear someone apart and then smash them to pieces. Ah...well. It's life. We I have to deal with this sooner or later. Better now than later :)

Oh yea, did I mention that my hair is like freaking shortlong? Yeah, SHORTLONG! My sides are consider short, as well as my back...but my front right hair is VERY long. Whenever it touches my eyes it annoys me a lot. I want to get a new haircut soon. Probably something like crave a zigzag on the side? Yea, I'm gonna do that! =P

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