Saturday, December 11, 2010

A day out

Today my sister and I went to Time Square to watch The Next Three DaysWe went out around 1 and reach there at about 1.40, with the parking and stuffs (it was quite a lot of traffic too). Then we went to the second floor to redeem the ticket. No, not just straight walk-in. Still have to queue like how you buy tickets normally. After that we straight inside, of course we did bought a drink too (for her not for me). Once we sat down on our seats, the advertisement begins. Well, at least that means we didn't miss anything for the show too! 

The poster.

Did you guys ever came across Russell Crowe? He's quite a famous actor himself. Remember Robin Hood?
 Yup, the main actor is him!
Still, I didn't manage to get myself to watch that movie, though. 

Let's talk again about The Next Three Days. The movie was good, if you exclude the
 long-story-dragging part.

Let me recall something here. Every time you read a novel or a story book, 
there's always a "mountain"

whereas the top of the "mountain" is the climax. Now in this case,
 when they are proceeding to the "mountain",

it feels like its a shallow slope/flat slope. Just because the story gets too draggy! 
But if you really exclude that as well, the ending was great. Not-the-expected kind of ending.
Good enough
to let you catch your breath first! 
So, if you're free tomorrow or any other time, remember to give this movie a try!
I think it's gonna been taken down sooner or later. In probably a week or two weeks time?

 Urh....let the management decides!

Later after the show, we went to walk around. 
At first we reached the 32HL store (again, yes again!)
and saw some nice shoes but too bad they say "Only this size, no other size available".
 The two shoes were still so so to me, but my sister don't say likewise though. 
She says the black one (pictures below) is nicer. But before that she chooses the silver one. 
Anyhow, we still left the store because the shoes were so TIGHT! 
We walked around again, keep talking about the black shoes. 
Then we came across 3rd Generation, a store which is a floor above 32HL.
Oddly, it seems that the two stores were linked together.
Why do I say that? Because in 32HL,
 their display shoes were LEFT and the 3rd Generation were RIGHT.
Plus, I saw the staff from 32HL at 3rd Generation. Fishy...but I don't care. 
The staff at 3rd Generation says
there's a larger shoe for the black one at first,
then when he found the stock it was actually the grey one.
So I bought the grey one over the black. 

sorry for the poem-like-sentence-arrangement,
some technical

How's your opinion in this? Hmm..

this photo were taken in 3rd Generation, as you can see it should be wore in the RIGHT leg. 

a better look of it!

After that we went home, yes, home! But we saw something interesting there...check it out below!

If we were alien, you'll as good as DEAD!

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