Thursday, March 10, 2011

Few days

Two days ago in school we (the one that is going to camp this saturday), were all called to canteen for some briefing. For those that goes to camp every year (like me, except Form 1) hear this briefing over and over and OVER again. It's almost the same thing, what to bring etc. So apparently this year we're having our camp at SCHOOL. Yes, at school. Probably this is the only camp that don't really suffer much because the school's surrounding is quite comfortable. But the bad thing is the toilet, thinking about it makes me sick. No matter how, there's no lake or river here. No that "feel" of camping. Still, we have jungle trekking @ Bukit Saga. 

So when it almost reaches 1, teachers let all of us to go and get our bags and stuffs then come back down to canteen. I didn't went up because I was carrying my bag all along. Not too long later Lum came down. He said there got few girls that their bags got stolen by the students in our school. Shame on you! What for stealing people's bags? Still in primary school ah? =.= Or is this a way to kao lui? << heard from someone LOL.

They say the girls are quite OKAY. Ok la, I try myself to cope with them a little. Pretend like all hype up and wanted to go see the girls (actually a bit la, man's instinct). Then it's actually almost 1.10. I need to go to the Kamar Bicara and place my buku pemantauan and do my daily checking routine on the other classes buku pemantauan (yes, this is a new thing to me. LOL). But the thing is, those girls were in kamar bicara too. Well, just a way to see if they are lying or not. I went inside, and start checking. I catch a glimpse on one of the girls, really OKAY je la. Random girl la. Not any extraordinary. After checking go back canteen and continue the briefing.

After that we go marching. I mean, THEY. I'm the one commanding XD. 
Then I came into a conclusion that we should join the zone/district competition. That is why today I searched for Khuzaifah to give him to list. Apparently we are going to be power rangers with St John. But just now I only know that St John can't gabung with other persatuan? I don't know now but I don't really care already. I have already gave the list to Khuzaifah. Lantak lah the officer.   

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