Sunday, March 20, 2011


Yoyo, like I promised. The KLCC post :)

So in the morning I woke up at about around I think hmm........7? Reach school and saw a few of them already waiting at the canteen. Good thing I wasn't the last, but I regret so much I went so early! The bus won't come till 8.30, which would actually gives me another 30 minutes of good sleep at home =.= (if I go at 8 lar!) 

I didn't take much photos..although there's a photo album to it which Lik Hui or something took it. I lazy to copy them here. Sorry MIANHAE =)

So...skip all boring part and lets go to one of the highlights that day. When we reach the upper floor (which Petrosains located), we camped at the outside of the elevator. When the elevator reaches and opens, we pushed XXXX inside..cause we already know that inside the elevator is our friends..but what we didn't expect was there's ANOTHER stranger there..AWKWARD!!! XD

Petrosains was ok. A lot of interesting stuff inside. A lot of...boring stuff too! I love the earthquake simulation though hahahaha! Other than that, I was surprised that the space section have iMac. Seriously! SINCE WHEN THEY SO RICH ONE?! It's not one, or two ITS LIKE 10 FRIGGIN iMAC THERE! Ok la maybe people sponsor. =.=

Aquarium was ok also. The fact that it's BORING and SHORT, the other things were cool too. The fish, spiders and crocs. 

After that we went to the entrance to wait for our bus. I took a few photos here. 

We saw a few students/people drawing the building up front. Probably assignment? Future architects! 


the best =P

and of course!

the KLCC :)

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