Saturday, March 5, 2011

Finally, again!

Finally there is a Saturday that doesn't require me to go to school or waking up early. But it seems that my body are getting used to waking up early so here I am. Woke up at 7.45 in the morning and I'm feeling alive and kicking! This is when those idiomatic expressions kicks in. There is some use from them after all! Okay..stop your nonsense and start writing something that will catch your visitor's attention!

This it it again! The Pikom PC Fair that will held in Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC) and this time it comes with a lucky draw. Hmm...I don't even know if the previous PC Fairs have lucky draw. Well, let's just forget about the lucky draw cause I never been lucky in these things before ever. 

The Pikom PC Fair will again held in KLCC on 15,16 and 17 of April. Those who want to go, might consider going on the last day cause on the last day it is usually cheaper than the first and second. The sellers don't want to bring so much of stock back home :P But it is also usually packed on the last day. 

Here is the links to the layout plans, if you are interested lah!

Conference Halls 1,2 and 3
Banquet Level 3
Ballroom Level 3
Exhibition Hall 1 & 2
Exhibition Hall 3
Exhibition Hall 4 & 5

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