Tuesday, March 15, 2011

School camp

Haha! It seems that the school camp didn't let us all down. The camp was quite alright, other than that the management is little bit loose. Compared to the other years, this year they are not that quite strict. I still remember last camp, whoever that did not tuck in their shirts will denda. But this time they only mention it once, no enforcement was made. Still, there is a significant number of people who did tuck in. And of course, I'm one of them. LITERALLY XD!!

So ah..the most interesting part was the jungle trekking. Yes, it's VERY tired. We had to walk from school to Bukit Saga and from there trek the jungle for about 3 hours+. The jungle was still quite ok when climbing, but when going downwards it's seriously takes patiences. Not as easy as we all though it would. Apparently, there were teams that went the wrong way. We weren't one of them. We came in as the second from the last. The only reason why we were in that position is because there were one girl from another team that cramped. Not to boost my team or anything, but we stopped because of this. Then after a while our teammate pulak got problem. That morning she did not eat anything. Even after I talked her a while. She still won't. Perhaps she wants to keep fit? =.= NO THIS IS NO THE CORRECT WAY FOR YOU TO KEEP FIT. She messed up the whole team's speed. She had to stop in intervals to catch her breath. We can't really blame her, probably this was her first time. After all, we're one team. 

Next would be the Malam Kebudayaan. Ahhh..we messed up a lot here. Not enough of preparations been done. We DIDN'T EVEN PRACTICE FOR ONCE! Only some explanations and so on. We danced Sorry Sorry (yeah I messed up too HAHAHAHAHA), Gee, some break dance some shuffle and some ballroom dancing! The ballroom dancing was suggested by someone (I forgotten who). Seriously, I thought of changing partners during dancing but...well don't even mention it again shall we? =P
We're not the only one messing this up too!

And the last thing..the only memoriable thing was the ending, when we all sign on the camp T-shirt that provided. I managed to get a few of the teacher's sign =P. Of course, my friends too. I had to go back early because my sister came, that's why I didn't manage to write on some of their T-shirts. Such a regret actually. But don't worry, there's still tomorrow! Tomorrow we will be wearing the camp shirt and I shall bring marker again!! Muahahahahahahahaha.

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