Sunday, February 6, 2011


It seems that finally the holiday is coming to an end. FINALLY!! I could use some social networking face to face instead of the fagbook. I need to see someone seriously. Someone alive that could talk with. I have been facing this pile of shitness since the day it started holiday (but thank god I manage to rest well this holiday). 

So? I think it's time to really upload some photos before you start to die because of my wall of text. 


Alright boys and girls. I bet you didn't see this coming! Behold..the mighty man with hairband! *this was taken last christmas!*

yeah. sorry I haven't shave that time. and my hair was pure messy. forgive me lord!

Oh yea another photo from the other day we went to Brian's house to do Moral project. Apparently..we didn't quite utilize our time there...

as you can see. you may call 999 to catch them now. 

but weng kai is still doing his moral. its because he came later than us! we've already finished what hes doing now.

god knows what pang's doing and what cheok's imagining he's doing. amen!

I guess that's all for now. Just some simple update to keep you fresh and to tell you this blog isn't quite dead, yet!. Ciaos amigos! Have a pleasant day today!

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