Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Har hmm...not to self-praising or whatsoever but I think I have some ego problem. All man does. But whether it's serious or not is another different case. So I went to go and search for "cure for ego" and it came up what touch with god la this la that la. Religion stuffs, you know? I don't deny the fact that maybe that would help but seriously? Not my type of solution with this kind of problem. 

There were one said, to cure your ego you have to find a person who is superior than you, more powerful than you and excels you in every field. That why, you would lower down your ego when you met them, not surprising if your ego boosts up when they are gone. But this is something that is relevant though. It's true. When you are dealing with someone far more better than you, you will feel humble and such (if you still feel ego in such condition, you're a bad ass!) That is why, this solution won't help either. Not that nobody is better than me, but it just WON'T WORK! 

So I googled up for narcissist. NO.....I'm not that serious until becoming someone who loves himself right? That's TOO much! A big no. I'm giving this up! Perhaps I'm not ego afterall......

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