Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year!

Hapi cainis lew liar~
or should I rephrase it to,
Happy Chinese New Year? Haha!
When I saw my msn, seriously. I'm very sad. WHERE ARE ALL THE PEEPS?!
Now I know how lifeless I am. I have no kampung. I play games all day long. I stay infront of my TV and PCs all day long during cny. I wait for somebody to online all day long. I wait people to online to dota all day long. I'm useless.

Next time, when I have a family. I will move away from KL. Go to Canada/US/Australia/Singapore and stay at there. Just so that my children in the future won't be suffering the same thing I am suffering right NOW! How terrible that feels. Urgh...Damn!

For those of you who went back, going back, going to go back, congratulations. You probably enjoying/going to enjoy your time there. 

Not to mention, the problems I'm facing now. Nothing to do so can only think of that problem. How to solve it. How to deal with it. How to face it. Owh god please help me =.=" I feel like I could die because of thinking about it. I feel like going crazy. 13 point. 

Talking about new year, have you started gambling? =)

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