Sunday, February 6, 2011

CNY House Visiting aka bai lian!

Ah. The visiting was pretty much exciting! We start off with Mun Seng's house as our first station, then Pang, Lum, Nicholas, Joon Leon and finally Brian. We shorten the list by A LOT (originally I think it's 15?) because we lack of time and some of their houses weren't available. Shame on them! 

The highlight of the day was not really that..HIGHLIGHTED. Just trapped in the lif for 30 minutes. No big deal *whistling*. All thanks to Chun Weng LAH!! Pang's apartment lif is already reaching its lifespan (almost a decade old) plus Chun Weng and also few others jump on it before it start (and as soon as it started). Suddenly, DANGG!!! The lif stopped. Okay. This is some seriously sh*t now! I'm STUCKED INSIDE THE LIF ALONG WITH ANOTHER 8 PEOPLE. That lif isn't quite big. So we are kinda like suffocating and dying for air. It was hot inside. 

Then a few of us tried to open the door and succeed after numerous trials. But, there's still a steel door there (we're kinda stucked at the first floor). No matter how hard we tried, it won't budged! It's because it is locked up there. Need some kind of key. After about 5 minutes of yelling and so. Finally someone came to help. It was quite relieving when the first woman said "I will call the security". But after like 5 minutes no news from her. No security or whatsoever. Then, another uncle came by. He said hold on. He go get some stuff to try and open. When he brought his tools, also can't open. Then got two aunties begin to come and start saying useless stuffs.

One of the auntie said "I thought it so loud ah, people fighting." What the sh*t is wrong with you? Somemore she said that THREE TIMES. Oh gosh, if you thought it was people fighting then ok la. You don't have to REPEAT and REPEAT and REPEAT. WE KNOW. OMG. FISH YOU SERIOUSLY!

Another auntie said "Confirm ah these kids play play the switches. Cincai press. That is why the lif will stuck". This auntie either seriously had her surname as "Lai" or she have some serious problem. God knows what her problem is. Luan luan fitnah orang. You THINK WE WANTED THIS?! FOR GOD SAKE!! 

But the uncle (that brought the tools and helped us) was really great, other than having to smoke when we are dying for oxygen inside =.=". After about another 15 minutes, the maintenance guy came. An indian. He come, put the key inside the steel door and voila. It worked like charm. 

Sadly, Nicholas had his umbrella fell down to the first floor and also his HANDPHONE too! But after we got out from the lif he go back to the first floor to take. His phone is still working though, amazingly. 

Here is the video I took inside the lif. You can see how havoc it was!

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