Thursday, February 10, 2011


Some time to rest. Actually, I rest EVERYDAY. Just that today I didn't have to do any homeworks. All of them considered settled but only left sejarah and lisan. Aiya! Don't care la. It's weekend already, no point being hardworking and all. Yes, I am THAT kind of guy. I'm lazy. Ever since the holiday passed, I feel like I'm getting lazier and lazier. My brain is getting slower and slower (perhaps the trauma after that incident?) and my emotions went uphills and downhills. 

Today is the 8th day of Chinese New Year, or 1 week after Chinese New Year started. I don't know why, but we have to "bai ting kong" tonight. Seriously, my mom sell praying stuffs I also don't know le! Hehe. Aiyo don't care la. It's not my expertise. But I do have a few tricks behind my sleeves...haha! I think my mom is gonna start burning those paper money and stuff. Then pray. Banyak banyak wang, sihat sihat semua, pelajaran baik baik, kerja naik jawatan and all those things la! I also not excluded, but I wished for one extra thing. Everyone happy then good. =)

Ah. Next monday is Valentine's Day already. Any plannings...? Haha! Have you bought your gifts and chocolates already? Are you planning on a romantic dinner with your other half? I doubt any of my friends will plan a romantic dinner...I hope I was right =.=". But if you HAVEN'T, don't worry. The Moral society and basketball club will be selling flowers and chocolates. I think they will provide the transportation too. So, getting your money ready is probably the first thing you have to do starting today!

Ciaosssss (sorry no photos, wall of text again :{)

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