Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Brian's house

Yesterday, which happens to be Valentine's Day, we were all summoned to Brian's house for his birthday celebration. Yeah, it somehow happen to be Singles' party, for most of us there. Sorry, no photos again, but I took a lot of photos randomly at Brian's iPhone. I don't think he know it, so..haha! Let's just wait till he went mad and ask me why I took so many random photos. 

The food was still acceptable, though it isn't what I thought it would be. But still ok la. I appreciate your food, Mrs. Ong. The kuetiao goreng was all nice and stuff, the colouring was fine too! Dark keutiaos are often mistook as pan mee. The curry kai was ok too. The cake? Didn't manage to try it. I'm sure it taste fine with your hair. 

Wah..have you guys heard of Secret Garden? I didn't know the show was nice. The funny thing is, it's funny! When we watch this drama in Brian's room, yee yan and tsu ann keep on making "eeeee" "yerrrrr" and some other voices you don't wanna hear loudly. Their reaction was very big whenever there's "an action" between the guy and the girl. For god sake, it's just a drama. Written script! AND UNREAL!! Haha!

Uhh okay..when the time reaches almost 12, everyone almost went back except a few of us that stayed for overnight. I don't know what I do until almost 2, but as I remembered I only walked around watching poker and call of duty. When I was going to sleep, an was playing Resonance Fate. Luckily he got the sound down, if not we are so gonna bust his ass up. Oh yeah, did someone setup an orchestra yesterday night? I think not?!!

The next morning, Mun Seng and I woke about 6.30 and went down to get ourselves prepared for work. About 7.30 we went out along with Alvin (he's going for soccer) and seperate on a T-road. After work I come back straight sleep zzzz....zzz.....zz.....z

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