Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Today I noticed something! MY PLASMA TV CAN BE MY COMPUTER MONITOR! I was so syok and the image was so clear!! But it was a bit small. When it's time for Call Of Duty, the excitement level increases NON-STOP! THE GRAPHIC WAS SO GOOD I COULDN'T STOP! This can almost be my second monitor for watching movies and playing games XD! But it is rather troublesome to move my CPU and my speakers to the living room and plug it in. I rather have a laptop which makes it even more easier ._.!

These are the pictures :D
This is the original size without enlarging.

See the difference?

Full size

Loading Call of Duty, Backlot

In game XD

Monday, April 27, 2009

Happily ever after :)

Today I heard a great news from one of my friends. But I'm still kinda sad because I was almost the last one to know about it :(. Anyway, finally these two couples had came to an end of their old relationship and started a new one. This is just the beginning of a new relationship so I think you guys better have a nice start. I was kinda surprised once I heard about it, but no longer after a while. Finally some new GOSSIP can cross over my mind. To Joe, please treat us a lunch in order to claim a GOOD dating time ^^ and to celebrate it. At the same time, I hope that you could catch up your studies with Tsu Ann. You don't like it when other people say that your girlfriend is smarter than you and you are stupider than her ;). Don't drop guy's FACI ( face in English ). Moreover, I hope that other people LIKE **** could also take his action with **** ^^".

In conjunction with that, the exam is just RIGHT at the corner! I hope you guys could finish the folios' in time so that it wont clash your study time. Everyone knows that once it's a midterm, it's a shuffle class session coming. What I could hope is that everyone don't drop and more Chinese could come in. But what comes around goes around :(. Just do your best and don't regret even so you drop. If I really drop, remember to cease me from suicide XD! That's all for today, I still have to catch up my studies and folios' * WHAT THE HELL * I'm so damn hoping for a safe job and a car =.=

Sunday, April 26, 2009


Well, tomorrow is school again, back to stressful life. There was a St John Annual Dinner at Club Darul Ehsan. Seem like a lot of people went there wear so formal :). I never had a chance to see how "formal" did you all went but even so I'm still keeping you guys in my mind, how 'mature' you guys are :D. It was a hot and boring evening =.=. Nobody to dota and nobody to chat.

About my disease last week, I'm not sure if it is food poisoning or gastric, it made me no energy for three days. That three days I could barely walk, imagine that. After that, I start to recover but I can't eat too much thing. Anyway, I will be coming back school tomorrow as usual. I didn't come to school for one week so I hope everyone could teach me what had passed through me last week.

Below are a few pictures me and joe took during our past time.
This is GM Map and top three monsters are Anego ( Ah Ma ), The Boss ( Ah Pa ), Male Boss ( Ah Gong ) , Body guard B and body guard A

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Just like another day

Today, finally I've seen some progress going in my toe since the doctor gave me a dressing and a few more medicines to take in. The swollen has gone down but the infection is going kinda worse. I think this may take around one month to recover and needs a tight treatment. Oh well, I still have to continue my life. But the doctor say that I need to cut my left toe nail part in order to recover. Mainly there are two problems occur in the same time.

About the DotA match today, I am very disappointed because there were delays and in the end, was called off. The first problem is that the other side of the team didn't get ready and I think two didn't attend the match. Generally, we wasted one hour on waiting and our patience. Next time please manage their times properly, no clashes or ANY problem. And to be sure that all of their IDs before starting game.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Worse day ever.

Today was the worse day ever to me ==". This morning woke up and dota with joe kah wai and brian. I use furion and brian use vengeful spirit, I was wising to cincai play but then brian suddenly leave game. Then remake lor, he say it was the automatic update. After remake I use Clinkz with Kah wai, he use Phantom Lancer. Then around 20+ minutes my mouse suddenly sot edi * CHEAP MOUSE! Don't ever buy BLAZE brand mouse *. That time I already have 3.7k zz...farm till so hard then need to cancel it pulak. After that when we want to play vampirism speed, all trying to fong fei gei, sei kah wai dont want to play duno for what reason >> :O << terpaksa dota again lor..I team with cheok ming and brian VS an kah wai and weng kai. Suddenly, cheok ming leave game zz...this is the second dota game I play with problems. He said that his computer suddenly restart, I assume that this is the automatic update that requires restart. Two cases of these in one day. Terpaksa continue since we can still tahan. In the end, banyak quarrels because of the matter ' fat '. We won in the end but in a unpleasant way :X

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Stressful days..

As you all will know, exam is near and my folios' haven't even done. I'm getting worried if I would drop class this upcoming exam. Geografi folio I think everyone has started their parts but I'm still slacking here waiting the sky to drop golds for me. Sejarah, did the toughest part of it, visiting historial places. I'm trying to finish all my homeworks ASAP but then, one call, one invitation, one game, one match, made me can't struggle to it and had to fall in for it. Come to think of it, I can't really manage my time really well. Full with slacking and playing time, but less for studying. Perhaps some may think I'm smart even though I don't study but that is totally incorrect, wrong, FALSE! One can't be smart without studying smart and hard. No matter how smart you are, if you are lazy, sooner or later you will become stupid and couldn't catch up the syllabus and finally frustated, full with regrets.

This time I can't feel any confidence in anything I do.

Signing off,

Tagged by David!

100 truths i think this 1 is really 100 of it

001. Real name: Yeong Chee Leon
002. Nickname(s): CL, Clon, Chee Leon, Yeong and cBz
003. Age: 14 and 6 months? :D
004. Horoscope: Capricorn maybe? XD
005. Male or Female: Male
006. Elementary: Tadika Chee Oi
007. Middle School: Sekolah Kebangsaan Taman Muda
008. High School: Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Taman Seraya
009. College school: Still in High School
010. Hair colour: Dark
011. Long or short: Tall
012. Loud or Quiet: Loud
013. Sweats or Jeans: Not both of these
014. Phone or Camera: Phone
015. Health freak: Not really
016. Drink or Smoke: Drink...warm water
017. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes
018. Eat or Drink: Eat la of course
019. Piercings: Nope
020. Tattoos: Nope
021. Social or Anti-Social: Social
022. Righty or Lefty: Righty
023. First piercing: No
024. First relationship: Standard 1
025. First Best Friend: Yoong Mun Lok XD!
026. First Award: UPSR result?
027. First Kiss: At the age of 4 or 5 ( kissed my mom )
028. First Pet: Rabbit ;p
029. First Big Vacation: Biggest was..Genting Highlands?
030. First Love at First Sight: Form 1 gua
031. First Big Birthday: Not really big..but it's held last year
032. First Surgery: Soon :D Cut my left big toe!
033. First sport you joined: Lontar Peluru in English is Shoot Bullet? XD
034. Orange or Apple Juice: Orange
035. Rock or Rap: None.. Prefer pop x)
036. Country or Screamo: Country
037. NSYNC or Backstreet boys: Backstreet Boys
038. Britney spears or Christina Aguilera: Christina Aguilera
039. Night or Day: Night
040. Sun or Moon: Moon
041. TV or Internet: Internet
042. Playstation or xbox: Playstation
043. Kiss or hug: Kiss AND HUG!
044. Iguana or turtle: Turtle to give HER! XD
045. Spider or bee: Spider
046. Fall or spring: Spring
047. Limewire or iTunes: iTunes
049. Eating: Nothing
050. Drinking: Huh?
051. Excitement level: Extremely HIGH!
052. I'm about to: DotA with Joe, Mun Kent, An, WK and Mun Kiet
053. Listening to: my mother's nagging
054. Plan for today: Do homework ( Maths ) , iron clothes and go to boring tuition
055. Waiting for: Her
056. Energy level: Hot n Cold
057. Thinking of someone: Yes
058. Want kids: Yes
059. Want to get married: Yes, but not now.
060. When: 25 or above
061. How many kids do you want: 2, One boy one girl
062. Any name in mind: Her only!
063. What did you want to be when you were little: Detective
064. Careers in mind: IT Programmer
065. Mellow future or wild: Wild
066. Something you would never try: Under age sex and anything related to it
067. When do you want to die: Die with her with a smiling face :D

Which is better in the boy/girl you like (in the futue)

068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes
069. Romantic or Funny: Funny
070. Shorter or Taller: Medium
071. Protective or Caring: Caring
072. Romantic or Spontaneous: Romantic
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms: BOTH LA OF COURSE
074. Sensitive or Loud: None
075. Hooked-up or Relationship: Relationship
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant: Troublemaker
077. Muscular or Normal: Normal lor
078. Kissed a stranger: Nope
079. Broken a bone: Nope
080. Lost glasses or contacts: Lost my glasses in a stupid way.
081. Ran away from home: Never EVER! HOME IS HEVEN ( Moral Lesson )
082. Held a gun/knife for self defense: No
083. Killed somebody: Yes! Everyday, Call of Duty 4, DotA, Sudden Attack.
084. Broken someone's heart: I don't think so
085. Had your heart broken: Always..
086. Been arrested: Nope
087. Cried when someone died: Nope
088. Liked a friend more than a friend: I always do!
089. Yourself: YA
090. Miracles: Maybe?
091. Love at first sight: Yup!
092. Heaven: I believe in HEAVEN!
093. Santa Claus: Never really believe it but I love Santa Claus related movies
094. Tooth fairy: Believe in them when I was small
095. Kiss in the first date: Never had a Date!
096. Angels: She is the Angel!
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: Her lor
098. Happy with where you're in life now?: Satisfied
099. Do you believe in God?: For me, yes
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 6 people.

An ( Post in TSA )
Tsu Ann ( Post in TSA )
Tzu Yee ( Post in TSA )
Kah Wai ( Post in TSA )

Monday, April 13, 2009

A lame happy story

This is a REPLY to the post by Milk from TSA ( http://tsassociation.blogspot.com)

I made myself a Defiance Hood
That makes me good mood
Good mode that is -ap
make my feel so happy

Westlife came to my house
Fried and ate my mouse
This sucks
make me want to use Puck

Brian is strong
better than Armstrong
CL is stupid
after he meet a Cupid

I have a good mood
makes me turn into a noob
I have a good mood
makes me see Hafiz's boob

An is weak
because he use Mana Leak
Cheok Ming is cute
makes me watch The Duke

I have a good mood
makes me feel so dumb
I have a good mood
makes me chew my GUM

Tzu Yee hates Tiffany
because she steal Tzu Yee's money
Kha Joe is killing
while Tsu ann is still loving

I have a good mood
makes me want to say 'fiut'
I have a good mood
till I say it's the END

Kah Wai is hot
makes me feel naughty
Weng Kai is short
that's why Vivien didn't like him

I have a good mood
makes me chop my foot
I have a good mood
because my Divine Rapier was looted

Lik Hui is adorable
but not kickable
Yee Yan is funny
makes me look like a dummy

I have a good mood
makes me pawn SO GOOD
I have a good mood
till I died in the hands of NOOB!


Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tiring Day with PC Fair

Today after school we went to PIKOM PC fair. We reach there about 3.25 p.m. Thanks to Joe's father for sending us. We walked to the KL Convention Centre and it was a quite long journey and it was CROWDED. But last year it was a bit more crowded. There were a lot of things but we didn't manage to see it all. We went to all Hall but I think we gave up one room because we didn't want to go in. At the end of the journey, we ride bus to go back. I reached Puteri Park around 7.50 p.m. and reached home at 8.25. It was a tiring journey after all :D.

These are the following pictures.
This was the entrance of KL Convention Centre

Who's hand is that? LOL! Another angle of the entrance.

If I'm not wrong, this is nearly Hall 1

Sexy Leng Luis!Did manage to get a few pictures of it!

This time the middle one is looking AT my CAMERA!

Inside the Hall 3 I think.

View of KLCC from KL Convention Centre. We're almost done when I took this picture.


Thursday, April 9, 2009

PIKOM Pc Fair 2009

There will be a PIKOM PC Fair this weekend, 10 to 12th April 2009. The venue will be at KL Convention Centre. from 11.00 a.m. to 9.00 p.m. So, I'm inviting people to go with me by either bus or LRT. Hope there will be someone :D.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hari Sukan/Sports Day

It was our school sports day. Not really a lot of people go. I think there is only around 2/5 of students went to Stadium Bola Sepak Kuala Lumpur. Me, myself, Mun Kiet, Tzu Yee, Lik Hui and Nicole went there to duty. St. John had Cheok Ming, katerine, shen kang, fang yin and kah yan . After the monkey dances and marching, they finally annouce the larian. It was a long day for me to go on. Every round of race, there will be surely one or two fainted, cramp or pitam. We had to run with the strecher to lift them up if they are not able to move. There was one girl runs 800x1 metres and she fainted. Three of us, Tzu Yee, Kah Yan and me went there. One teacher help me to lift the back, when I actually lift her up, I could barely stand. So we changed position. I couldn't realise that she was THAT heavy = =. After that, Suhaila go and "save" her. I don't really want to explain detail about what Suhaila did since it was a tragic. Another race, when they almost reached the finish line, got two girls fainted. Other PBSMs and St. Johns rushed there like hell XD. Nothing much serious happen afterwards. When it's around 11 or 12, some off duty PBSMs came to help. Thanks to Lum, Tsu Ann, Kah Wai and Nicholas. That's it for today, thanks for spending time reading.


Friday, April 3, 2009

April fool

I guess that everyone had been fooled on that day. It's quite funny to think that people fool you just to make you looks stupid. At the same time, you have a good relationship with others. People will only fool you if you are their friend. It's not like some stranger will fool you because you are not their friend. April fool is all about friendship and what you are in their heart depends on how many times they fool you.

-End of April Fool topic-

Comment to BLOGGING?

When I told my friend about my blog, she said something quite meaningful. She asked me, why do people just have to write their daily activities into their blog? I couldn't answer her in the split second. I almost scratched my head off just to answer her question, smart fella, huh? That time my mind is thinking millions of things. Maybe it's because they wanted some topic to chat? To impress someone? To spend their leisure time? To catch up with the world? To have a blog just like their friends? I couldn't give her any answer so I just simply answer to fill their leisure time. I could really felt offended but since it's a comment, I endured. If you are reading this, I am very impressed with your question. Good job!

-End of comments-

Chai's SO CALLED birthday party.

Today after the school, me, Nicholas, Nicole, Chai, Pang, Cheok Ming and Tsu Ann went to KFC to eat. During the journey, we talked about the afternoon section's attitude. Chai said that afternoon section called him LC, like I never heard that before. Nowadays, there are many kids who have been treated like king and queen since they were born, anak emas namanya. Every year including my year is getting worse by worse every year. Form 1 and Form 2 got boyfriends and girlfriends. I think that it's all TOO early. Bak kata pepatah orang Melayu, jangan jadi tua pada masa muda. I'm quite surprised when girls from Form 1 and 2 said foul language. I was like ' Wah! GIRL SAY BAD WORDS! WHAT CAN BE MORE!?! '. Rofl..I can't say that I didn't say bad words, but girls say bad words I can't really stand for it. Back to Chai's birthday party.We went to eat and when we are coming back, Nicholas said that Lim Ho Yan was there. I went back to look and Tsu Ann said it wasn't here * THANK GOD *. We went back to school after that..

Something which is precise we must treasure it. Something which is good we must enjoy it. Something which is bad we must destroy it. Bak kata pepatah Melayu, yang baik dijadikan teladan, yang buruk dijadikan sempadan. :D Thanks for spending your time.