Monday, April 27, 2009

Happily ever after :)

Today I heard a great news from one of my friends. But I'm still kinda sad because I was almost the last one to know about it :(. Anyway, finally these two couples had came to an end of their old relationship and started a new one. This is just the beginning of a new relationship so I think you guys better have a nice start. I was kinda surprised once I heard about it, but no longer after a while. Finally some new GOSSIP can cross over my mind. To Joe, please treat us a lunch in order to claim a GOOD dating time ^^ and to celebrate it. At the same time, I hope that you could catch up your studies with Tsu Ann. You don't like it when other people say that your girlfriend is smarter than you and you are stupider than her ;). Don't drop guy's FACI ( face in English ). Moreover, I hope that other people LIKE **** could also take his action with **** ^^".

In conjunction with that, the exam is just RIGHT at the corner! I hope you guys could finish the folios' in time so that it wont clash your study time. Everyone knows that once it's a midterm, it's a shuffle class session coming. What I could hope is that everyone don't drop and more Chinese could come in. But what comes around goes around :(. Just do your best and don't regret even so you drop. If I really drop, remember to cease me from suicide XD! That's all for today, I still have to catch up my studies and folios' * WHAT THE HELL * I'm so damn hoping for a safe job and a car =.=

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