Thursday, April 16, 2009

Stressful days..

As you all will know, exam is near and my folios' haven't even done. I'm getting worried if I would drop class this upcoming exam. Geografi folio I think everyone has started their parts but I'm still slacking here waiting the sky to drop golds for me. Sejarah, did the toughest part of it, visiting historial places. I'm trying to finish all my homeworks ASAP but then, one call, one invitation, one game, one match, made me can't struggle to it and had to fall in for it. Come to think of it, I can't really manage my time really well. Full with slacking and playing time, but less for studying. Perhaps some may think I'm smart even though I don't study but that is totally incorrect, wrong, FALSE! One can't be smart without studying smart and hard. No matter how smart you are, if you are lazy, sooner or later you will become stupid and couldn't catch up the syllabus and finally frustated, full with regrets.

This time I can't feel any confidence in anything I do.

Signing off,

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