Sunday, April 19, 2009

Just like another day

Today, finally I've seen some progress going in my toe since the doctor gave me a dressing and a few more medicines to take in. The swollen has gone down but the infection is going kinda worse. I think this may take around one month to recover and needs a tight treatment. Oh well, I still have to continue my life. But the doctor say that I need to cut my left toe nail part in order to recover. Mainly there are two problems occur in the same time.

About the DotA match today, I am very disappointed because there were delays and in the end, was called off. The first problem is that the other side of the team didn't get ready and I think two didn't attend the match. Generally, we wasted one hour on waiting and our patience. Next time please manage their times properly, no clashes or ANY problem. And to be sure that all of their IDs before starting game.

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