Friday, April 3, 2009

April fool

I guess that everyone had been fooled on that day. It's quite funny to think that people fool you just to make you looks stupid. At the same time, you have a good relationship with others. People will only fool you if you are their friend. It's not like some stranger will fool you because you are not their friend. April fool is all about friendship and what you are in their heart depends on how many times they fool you.

-End of April Fool topic-

Comment to BLOGGING?

When I told my friend about my blog, she said something quite meaningful. She asked me, why do people just have to write their daily activities into their blog? I couldn't answer her in the split second. I almost scratched my head off just to answer her question, smart fella, huh? That time my mind is thinking millions of things. Maybe it's because they wanted some topic to chat? To impress someone? To spend their leisure time? To catch up with the world? To have a blog just like their friends? I couldn't give her any answer so I just simply answer to fill their leisure time. I could really felt offended but since it's a comment, I endured. If you are reading this, I am very impressed with your question. Good job!

-End of comments-

Chai's SO CALLED birthday party.

Today after the school, me, Nicholas, Nicole, Chai, Pang, Cheok Ming and Tsu Ann went to KFC to eat. During the journey, we talked about the afternoon section's attitude. Chai said that afternoon section called him LC, like I never heard that before. Nowadays, there are many kids who have been treated like king and queen since they were born, anak emas namanya. Every year including my year is getting worse by worse every year. Form 1 and Form 2 got boyfriends and girlfriends. I think that it's all TOO early. Bak kata pepatah orang Melayu, jangan jadi tua pada masa muda. I'm quite surprised when girls from Form 1 and 2 said foul language. I was like ' Wah! GIRL SAY BAD WORDS! WHAT CAN BE MORE!?! '. Rofl..I can't say that I didn't say bad words, but girls say bad words I can't really stand for it. Back to Chai's birthday party.We went to eat and when we are coming back, Nicholas said that Lim Ho Yan was there. I went back to look and Tsu Ann said it wasn't here * THANK GOD *. We went back to school after that..

Something which is precise we must treasure it. Something which is good we must enjoy it. Something which is bad we must destroy it. Bak kata pepatah Melayu, yang baik dijadikan teladan, yang buruk dijadikan sempadan. :D Thanks for spending your time.

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