Sunday, April 26, 2009


Well, tomorrow is school again, back to stressful life. There was a St John Annual Dinner at Club Darul Ehsan. Seem like a lot of people went there wear so formal :). I never had a chance to see how "formal" did you all went but even so I'm still keeping you guys in my mind, how 'mature' you guys are :D. It was a hot and boring evening =.=. Nobody to dota and nobody to chat.

About my disease last week, I'm not sure if it is food poisoning or gastric, it made me no energy for three days. That three days I could barely walk, imagine that. After that, I start to recover but I can't eat too much thing. Anyway, I will be coming back school tomorrow as usual. I didn't come to school for one week so I hope everyone could teach me what had passed through me last week.

Below are a few pictures me and joe took during our past time.
This is GM Map and top three monsters are Anego ( Ah Ma ), The Boss ( Ah Pa ), Male Boss ( Ah Gong ) , Body guard B and body guard A

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