Saturday, April 18, 2009

Worse day ever.

Today was the worse day ever to me ==". This morning woke up and dota with joe kah wai and brian. I use furion and brian use vengeful spirit, I was wising to cincai play but then brian suddenly leave game. Then remake lor, he say it was the automatic update. After remake I use Clinkz with Kah wai, he use Phantom Lancer. Then around 20+ minutes my mouse suddenly sot edi * CHEAP MOUSE! Don't ever buy BLAZE brand mouse *. That time I already have 3.7k till so hard then need to cancel it pulak. After that when we want to play vampirism speed, all trying to fong fei gei, sei kah wai dont want to play duno for what reason >> :O << terpaksa dota again lor..I team with cheok ming and brian VS an kah wai and weng kai. Suddenly, cheok ming leave game zz...this is the second dota game I play with problems. He said that his computer suddenly restart, I assume that this is the automatic update that requires restart. Two cases of these in one day. Terpaksa continue since we can still tahan. In the end, banyak quarrels because of the matter ' fat '. We won in the end but in a unpleasant way :X

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