Saturday, October 31, 2009

Clon's Post - Another nothing to do day.

Another nothing-to-do-day came. Weeeee~ Enjoy you laughters .... or maybe just pure boring if you aren't a "mou liu" person like me. Your journey starts now....


Feeling bored?

Sorry, some technical problem. Your journey should arrive any time by now



You've arrived safely!

start with this. :) I don't know when I took this picture but this is great! XD
Singing song " Because Of You " by Kelly Clarkson

"Don't Cha" by Pussycat dolls, again -.-"
Bored of it edi so we changed to " Love Story " by Taylor Swift
Don't know why he F5 for.

Suddenly "Negaraku" by ....?
Oi Joe! Cannot close eyes one lah!
Ahem..see the chatbox then you'll know.
Why messed up edi? This is suppose to be on top of ^.
Ok. Remember edi so start singing.
Suddenly " Negarakuku "?!?! By Namewee.
Lastly, " I Gotta Feeling " by Black Eyes Peas
F7 what.

F5 for what again. -.-"

P.S. F5= Angry face.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Clon's Post

It's been almost a week now since my last post. There's not much of events happening throughout the week other than the cooking competition. The competition was fun. Sure, of course it was. I realised something back then. The so-called-truth you gave me.

We cooked "fried beehon" , "popia" and "agar agar". Most of the ingredients are supplied by the school. The equipments and cutlery also supplied by the school, only thing is it's dusty. Few guys went up to block D top floor at the end of the floor to get the cutleries. Man, the petroleum gases tongs are seriously heavy. Some more never ate anything that morning. Really exhaust me after doing it. Moving on, the first dish. We first prepared the ingredients and while other people preparing, Lik Hui went to garage to boil the agar agar. We were the "special" one because other people cook fried bee hon first. Suddenly, Lik Hui told me that the pot has some tiny black particles in it. I was like wtf? She told me to change the pot before teachers saw it. But still in the end, the agar agar was kinda the most tasty one.

I didn't went to school today, even though my policy is one day go one day ponteng. I don't feel like my existence really worth that much. So I decided not to. Four days ago, I've started to play MapleStory again. Succeeded in leveling once for my character. This is the picture of it. AND NO! I DID NOT CAUSED THAT GUY's DEATH

Here is some randoms from 2 weeks back. Warning, the following picture(s) may or may not contain sexual activities that a minor like you should not be watching.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Clon's Post - Graduation?!?! WHAT?!

Did you just saw GRADUATION? HEY!! It seems too EARLY for me to graduate. Well of course, idiot. I'm only 15 for god's sake. As always, start a whole new day with waking up in the morning. Woke up around 4.30 and actually thought it's 5.30. I was too blurry that time. It's a lovely morning, but my eyes are actually 90% closing. After finished everything, went to have a quick 15 minutes breakfast with my family near my father's work place. My father is going to Penang for about 3 days. It was a company annual trip. And yes, my father is not working in market anymore. Don't doubt that.

Reach school around 7.20. I thought EVERYONE had to come to school BEFORE 7.30. I saw Jun Hoe and one girl in school. I was surprised that Jun Hoe don't know that we have to wear tie ( or not ). I really rather forfeiting myself from the coral speaking because the collar shirt provided is ngam ngam my size or actually smaller. The sleeve is very short and the end of the shirt almost reach top of my pants. This is what you will get when you are FAT and TALL! Never mind about that. We skip all the boring practice part. But I do like the make up part XD!

Moments before the real performance, I'm wearing a striking blue tie borrowed from Su Wing. LOL!!
Throughout the performance nothing really went wrong. I guess. Rather funny when " I had a crush on Chee Keong "
After that we still have to sing " Negaraku " and our school song. I'm already sweating like hell after the
coral speaking. Finally everything settled, I went to find my mother and changed clothes. Went back home
soon after. When I see our teachers wash dishes, I was like LOL!! TEACHER WASH DISH? Some more is
Pn. Aslizan and Pn. Nurul wash. Pn. Aslizan surely gonna be MAD about this lol.

Pictures will be delayed. Please wait patient. Thank you. Have a nice day.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Clon's Post - KL Tower , KLCC Trip

Woke up around 6am and slept again. Woke up again at 6.20. Went to see TV like always. My favourite show, The Amazing Race. Never get bored watching it over and over again. Went to school. Wasn't really pleased to see people bringing bag and I'm not. I was very regret didn't listen to my mom's nagging to bring bag. Most importantly, shirts. I figure that just walking around see this see that. Didn't notice that there are jungle trekking ( or so-called ). Ah well, who cares! Gathered around in canteen. Things were good at first. Everyone has a positive face there. Until everyone gets TOO positive and jadi bising. Puan Aslizan went mad and start scolding, as always. Some more a few students came with home outfit. I felt funny for them. Think rationally next time.

Reach at KL tower around 8 something I guess. Can't remember 8 or 9. First stop is Jeletong Platform ( or known as Pelantar Jeletong )." Nice " view from up there. Those who went surely know what I'm saying. Haha! I've got a few pictures at there, going to post soon. Moving on, went downstairs again. Frickkin' pain for my ears when going up and down. Stupid air pressure. Once reach ground floor I saw some guy jumping off the KL tower! Well, of course they wore parachute. Everyone applause them as they landed. All mat saleh lai de.

Next stop, KLCC. Pretty boring here. How could KLCC doesn't even has a single CYBER CAFE IN IT? WHAT DAA HELLL!!!!! What to do, we're not shopaholics. Guess, Calvin Klein, Parkson and what more? Like I really do care about fashion ( maybe a little =3 ). Gathered around again at 2.30 where teachers left us. I hate to say but I had to say it out. How in the world the girls will fly to nowhere? I thought they were behind us. Had to wait them for about 30 minutes. In the mean time, guys in my bus already gone mad. Anas strip and everyone sing " I'm Yours " which happens to be my favourite song. Michael Jackson and so on. Had some pictures also.

Finally reach school in about 3.30. Still in one piece. Wasn't really a " unforgettable " trip and I don't wish to go there again!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Clon's Post

Sorry for the delay. Been lazy posting around things with pictures involving my phone. This was supposed to be posted on Monday but somehow my post got deleted and was never saved. So I'm going to post what happened on Saturday. Early in the morning, ahh..forget what I did. Let me think. Ah yes. That morning I went to McDonald's. I was actually applying a job there but doesn't seem successful cause it's been days since then. Not really counting on that job now. Then I went to Joe's house. I wasn't that pleasant to be told that he haven't woke up. So I just went in and sat there for a while. When he finally came down, I thought of make use of his internet for my forum purposes. But then he said his internet connection had been taken over by his bro. It was his bro's after all. What to do, still have to wait for Jia Chern there. Opened spider solitaire and started playing. An came and so did Jia Chern so we're off to our destination together. Bla bla bling bling bla. Regrouped together. Watched "Pandorum". It was a awesome movie. Even with the disturbing images and a few cut scenes. It was all about human being transferred to a planet called "Tanis". Things went bad on the way. Well I don't think I have to explain that much. Be sure to catch the movie if you haven't. It's a PG13 show by the way =/. After that, we all went to Cyber Cafe. It feels great when all of our DotA gang play together in one place. Feels so "proud" of it! LOL! We'll do it next time!

During bowling. See cheok's reaction? Priceless.

Gong Gong Gong! Seem so interesting there but actually nothing. They were just preparing.
Pretty magnificent piece of artwork. I think it's sand-made
Same goes for this. But this artwork was much more bigger than above one.
I was quite surprised when I first came in and saw gold-skinned-sexy-chicks there. I thought they were welcoming me. Sad they aren't.

Moving on. Sunday. What happened on Sunday. Oh yeah. Most of my friends went to Cik Rosnie's house ( I actually want write Puan but I scare she kill me LOL ) to her so-called Hari Raya party from what I've heard. Doesn't really feel regret for not going since they said it was quite havoc there. Not to mention in Darren's car! LOL! I'm not going to discuss the topic there since everyone in his car are in one piece now! I went to my not-so-casual-shopping with my parents. They don't usually go to Jusco and shopping and stuffs like that. It's just because my sister went there with her friends and we HAD to pick her up. So my mum thought of shopping there. First stop before Jusco, Joe's house again. Went there to take the external for formatting purpose. Then, go to Jusco. Suddenly, Nicholas called me. You know what you talked. I don't go anywhere even if she is there. Or vice versa, I don't care. A while more, Tzu Yee called me. As expected, they asked me to go. Yeah, I've changed my job from " mou liu yan " to " go-to-shopping-with-parents son " ( in chinese ). Went through the difficult 3 hours shopping. Went back. Third stop, Brian's house. Took the Windows 7 disc. The first thing I came back to my home I opened my computer. Settle all the backup and put in Joe's external. Installed Windows 7......for 5 TIMES!! I was stupid enough for that. Next morning format again. -.-

Pictures :
The new generation of Matrix Reloaded ( Neo ).


Early in the morning again, I know that some people are going to MPAJ for badminton. Doesn't seem like abnormal since everyone was online. It's like theres no event! Nothing much happened on Monday. Just some random things I usually do in my home, alone.


As normal, went to school. Really fcked up with the class attendance yet we are still advised ( FORCED ) to school. Discussed things about Choral Speaking. Be sure to watch me in Graduation Day. Then, I saw Joe they all play Monopoly Deal ( Diu ). It was fun. VERY FUNNY. But still got people complain boring >.> . Perhaps that is actually the reason we can't communicate well, LOL! Went down to Dewan for the rehearsal. It was very funny as well! But still, I was very hot and became a sweating machine back there! Finally, everything went well with the costumes. Just that mine is a little smaller >< ( I'm too FAT LOL! ). Eat alone in Ah pou there. Go home and now here =)

This post might be long, if you don't wish to read you can drop me a message @ the chatbox.

Anyway, I was thinking of continuing the ghost story I wrote. Don't know whether should continue or disband again. Thinking of writing Romance (x) for a long story.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Clon's Post

Happy Deepavali!
To all Indians who will celebrate Deepavali tomorrow ( I think XD ), I hereby announce HAPPY DEEPAVALI!!
It wasn't suppose to be a holiday today but what the hell, the school gave us holiday for both today and next monday. If I don't recall wrongly, last year Deepavali was only little-tiny-one-day-celebration. I always wonder, why Raya 1 week, CNY 1 week, but Deepavali 1 day?It is so unfair for the Indians! But we as students also can take some advantage from there..hehehe. This year they gave around 4 days including Saturday and Sunday or 2 working days of holiday. Anyway, since our PMR had gone off I don't think the holiday gonna do much influence.

As for the day, not to say as worse as yesterday but quite a lot improvements =). Woke up this morning around 8.30 after spending my midnight watching "Orphan". I MUST give compliments to the developers, producers, directors, cast and crews of the movie. It was THE magnificent piece of artwork I've ever seen ( in terms of story lines and violence ). Personally, I feel a bit chilly when I first saw the movie picture resembles the face of "Esther". Her cold evil eyes could made you go crazy! The role of hers plays the whole movie shock and terrifying. I couldn't believe it until the doctor from the institute which is actually a mental hospital. Overall, I could give 9.5/10 ratings for the movie. If you haven't watch it, be sure to catch it in the DVD releases soon.

There goes the movie part. Continue from where I left out. After waking up, I do my normal routines, opening my computer , go to pee. At around 11am, I went to MPAJ to play badminton. Not much of close buddies go. Only a few went. I think got 12 people went there. The thing is, it is very boring there. I seem don't have the energy to play after one match there. From 11.15 to 12.45, officially I only play one game and two simply play game. Went to Ah Lim there eat. Suddenly Chai came after me and Joe finished our lunch. He says that Brenda and her sister came. Joe paksa me go back by taking my racket -.-. Nothing much particular things happened.

Went back home. Play SA as usual. Spent my time watching my mum store. Nothing much happened today, hope nothing BIG happen.

I found a funny yet cute yet sexy video in Asiasoft forum.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Clon's Post

Rough day.

Having a rough day from physical to mental. As always, start off by going to school. Do this do that. Giving back text books. Nothing much till then. Someone mentioned about gambling cards. There goes my instinct. Totally lost my mind when it's gambling time. At first lost around RM1-2. Then won around Rm15-20. When all the adrenalin pumped, my win rate drop and left hutang-hutang with people. I received RM10, then lost Rm15.50. After that trying to win back my money until overall I won Rm0.10 for the day. Tough day of frustrating. ]

Went back with cheok ming. Upon reaching one of the restaurant, my mom called me go buy food. Bought 3 bungkus Rm16.50. Quite expensive but what to do. Then, my mom called me go and bring two packets of joysticks to one of the auntie. Went to the auntie restaurant, gave her the joystick, ordered Cham ice and suddenly another auntie said the joystick was cheap. She gave me RM10 to buy. I walked back, take another 2 packets of joystick and gave her. It was raining. I had nothing to say.

After a while, I slept from 3pm to 6.15pm. Woke up and play SA. Squad battle with other people and won. Then makan. After makan, I say I want to go to paragon to buy vista disc. Went together with my sister and my father drop me at paragon. Bought the vista 32bit disc with RM15, damn fck expensive. Waited for my father. Then go take sewa money. Went back. Put my disc into my DVD-ROM. Result = WHAT THE FUCK?! Cannot read disc, the "sound" in my DVD-ROM scared me. I quickly take the disc out. I put another DVD disc into my ROM and nothing happen. I guessed that it was the disc problem so I went back and changed with the auntie. She wasn't very pleased to see me again. She say that the disc was supposed to be open during boot up ( I think that is what she mean ) and not open normally. I don't give a damn and ask her to replace a new one. Went back home again. Put the disc in, SAME THING HAPPEN. I was like WHAT THE FUCK AGAIN! I am now very pissed off with it. I don't know whether want to go back and replace a new one or not cause I know the disc surely won't work. Wasted RM15 for nothing. I better go Pandan Indah that shopping complex better like Joe said.

Overall, this surely is one of my toughest day.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Clon's Post

Today I searched a video, which kinda interest me. This MV by Taylor Swift which titles " You Belong To Me ". The first look of her really gives me a critical shock. She wores a big thick spectacles and wear too-casual-T-shirts. The storyline is pretty funny and amusing as well. But in the end, she's as pretty as an angel. If I'm not wrong, the dress she wore is the same as her MV in Love Story *Edit* I did wrong! Different dress. Well here is the video. Enjoy the HD.

To all PMR candidates, good luck on tomorrow history and maths :)

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Clon's Post

Reviewing on few subjects in PMR, I can darely say Science paper and Geografi paper both are heaven and hell. We all know, Geografi test was easy and Science paper 2 was above our heads ( well most of us unlike those science-geeks). Here I am, reading my Sejarah which had always bored my brain. Who wants to learn history, I mean, history is some hella good subject but do you really need it in the future? Penjajahan here penjajahan there, do Malaysia government really want British to take over Malaysia again? Peristiwa sejarah berulang? It is good to have a memorial place to appreciate their sacrifice. But in the future, all we learn is something new nothing old. Peoples look forward not backward. What's past is past, we have to update ourselves. Enough of this topic, it's already taken over my mind.

Two days of holiday, aren't enough but is already satisfied. If today weren't a holiday, I might already finished my Maths and Sejarah paper and awaiting for tomorrows KH. I really do like KH anyway. I always had B B B B B for my KH till form 3. Perhaps everything went up and alright. It also feels good when all my hardwork pays off in my mid term. I always think, why can't I just skip myself to university where I will be able to choose my favourite subject like IT programming. Or maybe taking the subjects which I think is equivalent to the field I'm taking in the future rather than wasting time to other subjects which I don't give a damn on it. This question keep fly infront of my mind, WHY?

Anyway, have a happy two days holiday and please lock your "weapons" up before Monday.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Answer for Geografi PMR exam

As the title mentioned, for those who want to see how many they get you may refer to the answers below. Any credit below is not taken by me other than sorting it.

1.D 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.A 10.A
11.C 12.C 13.B 14.A 15.D 16.A 17.D 18.A 19.B 20.A
21.B 22.D 23.B 24.C 25.A 26.C 27.C 28.A 29.C 30.B
31.C 32.B 33.C 34.A 35.D 36.C 37.B 38.C 39.B 40.D
41.A 42.C 43.D 44.C 45.D 46.B 47.C 48.D 49.A 50.B
51.B 52.C 53.B 54.D 55.B 56.D 57.B 58.A 59.D 60.B

Some of the answers are YET to be confirmed but most of it are correct.