Friday, October 16, 2009

Clon's Post

Happy Deepavali!
To all Indians who will celebrate Deepavali tomorrow ( I think XD ), I hereby announce HAPPY DEEPAVALI!!
It wasn't suppose to be a holiday today but what the hell, the school gave us holiday for both today and next monday. If I don't recall wrongly, last year Deepavali was only little-tiny-one-day-celebration. I always wonder, why Raya 1 week, CNY 1 week, but Deepavali 1 day?It is so unfair for the Indians! But we as students also can take some advantage from there..hehehe. This year they gave around 4 days including Saturday and Sunday or 2 working days of holiday. Anyway, since our PMR had gone off I don't think the holiday gonna do much influence.

As for the day, not to say as worse as yesterday but quite a lot improvements =). Woke up this morning around 8.30 after spending my midnight watching "Orphan". I MUST give compliments to the developers, producers, directors, cast and crews of the movie. It was THE magnificent piece of artwork I've ever seen ( in terms of story lines and violence ). Personally, I feel a bit chilly when I first saw the movie picture resembles the face of "Esther". Her cold evil eyes could made you go crazy! The role of hers plays the whole movie shock and terrifying. I couldn't believe it until the doctor from the institute which is actually a mental hospital. Overall, I could give 9.5/10 ratings for the movie. If you haven't watch it, be sure to catch it in the DVD releases soon.

There goes the movie part. Continue from where I left out. After waking up, I do my normal routines, opening my computer , go to pee. At around 11am, I went to MPAJ to play badminton. Not much of close buddies go. Only a few went. I think got 12 people went there. The thing is, it is very boring there. I seem don't have the energy to play after one match there. From 11.15 to 12.45, officially I only play one game and two simply play game. Went to Ah Lim there eat. Suddenly Chai came after me and Joe finished our lunch. He says that Brenda and her sister came. Joe paksa me go back by taking my racket -.-. Nothing much particular things happened.

Went back home. Play SA as usual. Spent my time watching my mum store. Nothing much happened today, hope nothing BIG happen.

I found a funny yet cute yet sexy video in Asiasoft forum.

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