Saturday, October 31, 2009

Clon's Post - Another nothing to do day.

Another nothing-to-do-day came. Weeeee~ Enjoy you laughters .... or maybe just pure boring if you aren't a "mou liu" person like me. Your journey starts now....


Feeling bored?

Sorry, some technical problem. Your journey should arrive any time by now



You've arrived safely!

start with this. :) I don't know when I took this picture but this is great! XD
Singing song " Because Of You " by Kelly Clarkson

"Don't Cha" by Pussycat dolls, again -.-"
Bored of it edi so we changed to " Love Story " by Taylor Swift
Don't know why he F5 for.

Suddenly "Negaraku" by ....?
Oi Joe! Cannot close eyes one lah!
Ahem..see the chatbox then you'll know.
Why messed up edi? This is suppose to be on top of ^.
Ok. Remember edi so start singing.
Suddenly " Negarakuku "?!?! By Namewee.
Lastly, " I Gotta Feeling " by Black Eyes Peas
F7 what.

F5 for what again. -.-"

P.S. F5= Angry face.

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