Saturday, October 10, 2009

Clon's Post

Reviewing on few subjects in PMR, I can darely say Science paper and Geografi paper both are heaven and hell. We all know, Geografi test was easy and Science paper 2 was above our heads ( well most of us unlike those science-geeks). Here I am, reading my Sejarah which had always bored my brain. Who wants to learn history, I mean, history is some hella good subject but do you really need it in the future? Penjajahan here penjajahan there, do Malaysia government really want British to take over Malaysia again? Peristiwa sejarah berulang? It is good to have a memorial place to appreciate their sacrifice. But in the future, all we learn is something new nothing old. Peoples look forward not backward. What's past is past, we have to update ourselves. Enough of this topic, it's already taken over my mind.

Two days of holiday, aren't enough but is already satisfied. If today weren't a holiday, I might already finished my Maths and Sejarah paper and awaiting for tomorrows KH. I really do like KH anyway. I always had B B B B B for my KH till form 3. Perhaps everything went up and alright. It also feels good when all my hardwork pays off in my mid term. I always think, why can't I just skip myself to university where I will be able to choose my favourite subject like IT programming. Or maybe taking the subjects which I think is equivalent to the field I'm taking in the future rather than wasting time to other subjects which I don't give a damn on it. This question keep fly infront of my mind, WHY?

Anyway, have a happy two days holiday and please lock your "weapons" up before Monday.

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