Thursday, October 22, 2009

Clon's Post - KL Tower , KLCC Trip

Woke up around 6am and slept again. Woke up again at 6.20. Went to see TV like always. My favourite show, The Amazing Race. Never get bored watching it over and over again. Went to school. Wasn't really pleased to see people bringing bag and I'm not. I was very regret didn't listen to my mom's nagging to bring bag. Most importantly, shirts. I figure that just walking around see this see that. Didn't notice that there are jungle trekking ( or so-called ). Ah well, who cares! Gathered around in canteen. Things were good at first. Everyone has a positive face there. Until everyone gets TOO positive and jadi bising. Puan Aslizan went mad and start scolding, as always. Some more a few students came with home outfit. I felt funny for them. Think rationally next time.

Reach at KL tower around 8 something I guess. Can't remember 8 or 9. First stop is Jeletong Platform ( or known as Pelantar Jeletong )." Nice " view from up there. Those who went surely know what I'm saying. Haha! I've got a few pictures at there, going to post soon. Moving on, went downstairs again. Frickkin' pain for my ears when going up and down. Stupid air pressure. Once reach ground floor I saw some guy jumping off the KL tower! Well, of course they wore parachute. Everyone applause them as they landed. All mat saleh lai de.

Next stop, KLCC. Pretty boring here. How could KLCC doesn't even has a single CYBER CAFE IN IT? WHAT DAA HELLL!!!!! What to do, we're not shopaholics. Guess, Calvin Klein, Parkson and what more? Like I really do care about fashion ( maybe a little =3 ). Gathered around again at 2.30 where teachers left us. I hate to say but I had to say it out. How in the world the girls will fly to nowhere? I thought they were behind us. Had to wait them for about 30 minutes. In the mean time, guys in my bus already gone mad. Anas strip and everyone sing " I'm Yours " which happens to be my favourite song. Michael Jackson and so on. Had some pictures also.

Finally reach school in about 3.30. Still in one piece. Wasn't really a " unforgettable " trip and I don't wish to go there again!

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