Monday, October 19, 2009

Clon's Post

Sorry for the delay. Been lazy posting around things with pictures involving my phone. This was supposed to be posted on Monday but somehow my post got deleted and was never saved. So I'm going to post what happened on Saturday. Early in the morning, ahh..forget what I did. Let me think. Ah yes. That morning I went to McDonald's. I was actually applying a job there but doesn't seem successful cause it's been days since then. Not really counting on that job now. Then I went to Joe's house. I wasn't that pleasant to be told that he haven't woke up. So I just went in and sat there for a while. When he finally came down, I thought of make use of his internet for my forum purposes. But then he said his internet connection had been taken over by his bro. It was his bro's after all. What to do, still have to wait for Jia Chern there. Opened spider solitaire and started playing. An came and so did Jia Chern so we're off to our destination together. Bla bla bling bling bla. Regrouped together. Watched "Pandorum". It was a awesome movie. Even with the disturbing images and a few cut scenes. It was all about human being transferred to a planet called "Tanis". Things went bad on the way. Well I don't think I have to explain that much. Be sure to catch the movie if you haven't. It's a PG13 show by the way =/. After that, we all went to Cyber Cafe. It feels great when all of our DotA gang play together in one place. Feels so "proud" of it! LOL! We'll do it next time!

During bowling. See cheok's reaction? Priceless.

Gong Gong Gong! Seem so interesting there but actually nothing. They were just preparing.
Pretty magnificent piece of artwork. I think it's sand-made
Same goes for this. But this artwork was much more bigger than above one.
I was quite surprised when I first came in and saw gold-skinned-sexy-chicks there. I thought they were welcoming me. Sad they aren't.

Moving on. Sunday. What happened on Sunday. Oh yeah. Most of my friends went to Cik Rosnie's house ( I actually want write Puan but I scare she kill me LOL ) to her so-called Hari Raya party from what I've heard. Doesn't really feel regret for not going since they said it was quite havoc there. Not to mention in Darren's car! LOL! I'm not going to discuss the topic there since everyone in his car are in one piece now! I went to my not-so-casual-shopping with my parents. They don't usually go to Jusco and shopping and stuffs like that. It's just because my sister went there with her friends and we HAD to pick her up. So my mum thought of shopping there. First stop before Jusco, Joe's house again. Went there to take the external for formatting purpose. Then, go to Jusco. Suddenly, Nicholas called me. You know what you talked. I don't go anywhere even if she is there. Or vice versa, I don't care. A while more, Tzu Yee called me. As expected, they asked me to go. Yeah, I've changed my job from " mou liu yan " to " go-to-shopping-with-parents son " ( in chinese ). Went through the difficult 3 hours shopping. Went back. Third stop, Brian's house. Took the Windows 7 disc. The first thing I came back to my home I opened my computer. Settle all the backup and put in Joe's external. Installed Windows 7......for 5 TIMES!! I was stupid enough for that. Next morning format again. -.-

Pictures :
The new generation of Matrix Reloaded ( Neo ).


Early in the morning again, I know that some people are going to MPAJ for badminton. Doesn't seem like abnormal since everyone was online. It's like theres no event! Nothing much happened on Monday. Just some random things I usually do in my home, alone.


As normal, went to school. Really fcked up with the class attendance yet we are still advised ( FORCED ) to school. Discussed things about Choral Speaking. Be sure to watch me in Graduation Day. Then, I saw Joe they all play Monopoly Deal ( Diu ). It was fun. VERY FUNNY. But still got people complain boring >.> . Perhaps that is actually the reason we can't communicate well, LOL! Went down to Dewan for the rehearsal. It was very funny as well! But still, I was very hot and became a sweating machine back there! Finally, everything went well with the costumes. Just that mine is a little smaller >< ( I'm too FAT LOL! ). Eat alone in Ah pou there. Go home and now here =)

This post might be long, if you don't wish to read you can drop me a message @ the chatbox.

Anyway, I was thinking of continuing the ghost story I wrote. Don't know whether should continue or disband again. Thinking of writing Romance (x) for a long story.

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