Thursday, December 31, 2009

Clon's Post - New Year's Eve?!

A blink of an eye, I'm already 16 ( 15 ). I still remember when I first came to Tadika Chee Oi. I was like~CRYING LOL! It felt quite awkward when you are the only one you know ( meaning you are all alone ). But still, days kept continue to go on~
1 thing I like about the kindergarden. The porridge there ROCKS!!

Next memorable moments was during standard 3. With Kah Wai and Siew ( sorry if I left out any ). Wow. I was the "ketua darjah" ( forgot how to spell it ) that year. Our form teacher was Cikgu Mimi ( I wonder why we call her Mimi loL~ ). She was very kind and hilarious as well. 1 day which we celebrate the Merdeka. She cried alone in class while one of our friend was singing Tanggal 31 on stage. Don't really know why she cried. Boyfriend run away I guess... XD

Moving on, standard 4. With Lum, An, Nicholas and Alvin. Wow, surely a tough year here. A lot of arguements and whines from teachers. I remember Cikgu Zaliza saying we all very bising. Kamu ni sangat pandai. Nombor 1 bising, dua bising, tiga bising, empat bising, lima bising sampai sejuta pun bising. At first I thought she was praising us, but then after that I realised she was scolding us ._. And also, I remember we had a project. 5 or 4 people in one group. Me, Alvin, An, Nicholas and Lum. Suddenly we quarrel doing the project and I said to Nicholas " Got you only we quarrel lah ". SORRY NICHOLAS I REGRET I SAID THAT!
There are also a lot quarrels this year ~.~

I'm gonna skip standard 5 and 6, later you all sleep because of my long and boring post. Well, form 1. Ah! I remember the first day at seraya, I wasn't in the list so my mom and I went to register ( or something like that ). Some teacher came to canteen and distribute us to certain classes ( there were only like 5 students including me ). She said, " Awak, 1 wawasan ". Okay.. I was like what the hell how do I know where is 1 wawasan. So my mom and I went up 3rd floor ( now is 3 Dedikasi ) and sat there for a while thinking that is 1 wawasan. Then got 1 student tell us 1wawasan was at Block C. So we went there and found Nicholas. He was like, how come you here? And I sat beside Weng Kai~ Beside me was Teo and Mun kiet. Infront of them was Tzu yee and Lik Hui. I forgot who sat infront of me but Nicholas was two row infront of me, sitting with Malay ( I think it's Hafiz, the short one ). There things start naturally. Lum and An went to Setia. Kah Wai was at Gigih with Mun Lok? After like 1 month, Brian came. Sat at behind there with Hwei Teng and Yee yan. And Hwei Teng tear Brian's Geografi text book!! HAHA!!

Hmm, maybe you are wondering why my post is kinda irrelevant to my title. I don't know why either. Just a sense from heart of to write. I mean, writing blog is all about what you want to write right? All I wanted to say, time passes very fast. You don't have time to catch it. Do what you want to do, before it's too late. But don't do too early, you will end up screwing yourself ( YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.. HEHE ). New year coming edi. Have a Happy New Year with your family or friends.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Clon's Post - CL's face Sebelum dan Selepas Masihi

I just had an idea of posting my old picture and put it in. It's quite humorous actually. So, ENJOY!

This is Sebelum Masihi...young..hahaha!~

This is SELEPAS MASIHI! Old and got beard hahaha

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Clon's Post

Yawns. I'm too lazy to post anything now. Have a few photos back in my sleeves but I AM TOO LAZY TO POST IT!!

This photo was taken at the SAGC finals. * Notice my gang is infront of me and beside me only. All 4 of them are kids! LOL *

Other than that, I don't really have anything to post..Perhaps there are some after 31st December.

Stay tuned!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Clon's Post

It's really been a tiring week ( last week ). Why do I said so? Well, everyone knows that I went to Genting Highlands. It wasn't a very pleasant trip for me because I had flu for those three days, pretty bad one. At night there, the temperature I think nearly 10 degree. Wore a long sleeved shirt and a jacket still felt the coldness. Then when want to sleep, can't sleep well because they are gambling. Laughters, cheering and also a little bit of shouting. How can you possibly sleep in these conditions? The next day, we went to the theme park. Great! Finally! Rm44 for ONLY 5 games!! First game was Fun cart ( Go-Kart ). Had to wait for almost an hour or two to play 5 minutes. Sneeze all the way waiting with cheok. Then we play pirate ship, roller coaster ( mine ) and few other games. When we are about to play another roller coaster ( which was like 1 or 2 turns before us ). Guess what? IT RAINS! Wait for so long and end up can't play. The rain was quite heavy though. Really a was of time and money.

Friday came back and Saturday another trip to timesquare. Not really that excited as I thought. I wasn't that surprise to see my old friends. Truthfully, I went to timesquare mostly because of the Sudden Attack Grand Championship ( SAGC ). Stood for about 3 hours then only can play. All 3 rounds lose. Maybe because we are KIDS? 10,13,14,14 and 15 ( me ) years old vs 18+. See the semangat also lose already. Yesterday was the final and the results are here. At least I had some experience on the tournament. Looking forward for next one.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A new era begun!

Hi! I supposed to post this last week I guess, but was busy mapling! Congratulations myself for reaching level 100 for my windbreaker (=D). Back to the topic. I know some of us already started tuition, seem hard ( add maths and chemistry ) . I guess next year is really a no-honeymoon-year. So? What are you waiting for? Go grab a book and start reading!

As you all know, my sister had finished her 10 subjects and now left BC. She gave me "presents". When you see, you'll know.

I was so "happy" when I saw that stack of books.

Then I have to customize my desk from ....

to this! ( Yeah I put my wallet there for fun )

Okay! That's all for now. Cya

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


1. Does it matter to you if your boyfriend or girlfriend smoke?
2. How about drinking?
Of course
3. Do you like someone you can't have?
Always do
4. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
What would they wanna hear that is what I'm gonna say.
5. What's your favourite sport?
6. Its Saturday night, and you're home alone... what do you do?
Sitting infront of the computer
7. Do you like roller coasters?
Never too brave to ride on one.
8. When's the perfect time to have a bf/gf?
College maybe.
9. If you could date any celebrity, who would it be?
I will think, taylor swift?
10. What are you doing this weekend?
Going to my mother's uncle house.
11. What is your favourite restaurant?
none, or you can say too many
12. Have you ever hugged someone?
13. Ever kissed someone you weren't attracted to?
14. Do you like anyone right now?
15. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
16. Which do you prefer, Beach or Mountains?
17. What kind of phone do you have?
sony ericsson S500I
18. Computer or Laptop?
19. Jeans or Sweats?
20. Which year(s) has/have been the best so far?
21. How old are you gonna be on your next birthday?
22. What should you be doing right now?
23. What is your favourite TV show?
Amazing race
24. What's been your last purchase?
25. Are you attracted to girls/boys that smoke?
I would run across the street just to be away from them
26. Have you ever fallen on your butt in front of a crowd of people?
27. What do you do when you're at home?
sitting infront of my computer
28. What is your favourite subject?
science, english maths and kh ( teacher is hilarious )
29. What's the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Meeting my pals
30. How do you think the people around you feel around you?
Cheerful, I guess?
31. The character for you for yourself is...
32. On the contrary, the thing you hate about yourself is...
don't think things through and always say wrong thing in the wrong time.
33. The most ideal person you want to be is...
dont know
34. The person who tagged you…
tsu ann
35. What relationship of you with him/her?
36. Your 5 impressions towards him/her?
Funny, short, small head, violence and of course insane.
37. The most memorable thing she/he had done for you?
solving my maths problem ( thanks! )
38. The most memorable thing that he/she had said to you?
Go die ( ^^ )
39. If he/she becomes your lover, you will....
treat like everyone treat their lover
40. If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...
say hi to her even though she is my enemy ( make her look like an idiot )
41. If he/she becomes your lover , he/she has to improve on..
her laughing disease ( yeah tsu ann if ure reading i know u are laughing now ) i highlighted this special for you.
42. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason is...
im too cool
43. The most desirable thing for you to do to him/her is...
she would treat me lunch
44. The overall impression of he/her is...
45. Who you're gonna tag?

siewmai, mun hoong , auntie tisu. thats all
thank you for spending 5 minutes of your life reading this!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Random story

Xander just came out from his tuition center. Every night he had tuition class till up late night. Past 11 o'clock. It's no surprise since he was one of the most intelligent students in school. But this time, his tuition class got delayed and finished at 12. Even so, it didn't worried him much because he lived alone in his own apartment. As usual, he walked through the park because it's the shortest way from the tuition center to his apartment. But apparently, today the park seem to be closed due to some renovation is in progress. He had no choice but to walk the back alley. Wearing a school uniform, carrying a bag and licking his lollipop, made him a simple target for snatchers to take advantage. When he finally reach the back alley, he saw two man standing by, with a knife. The two man walked towards Xander and hurls the knife to his artery at his neck. He was forced. Suddenly, a girl appeared. This girl wore black dress, black boots and long black silk socks. A terrible aura suddenly felt around the girl.

The girl called the two men to go away and leave him alone, but her advice was not taken. The two men tried to attack the girl too but was ambushed instead. Then, both of them ran away. " Thanks for your help " said Xander. The girl came up close to Xander and ask, " Aren't you afraid of me? ". " Why should I? You saved my life. " said Xander. The girl walked away through the alley and disappear soon after bit by bit. She gave Xander a big impression. He couldn't stop thinking about her. Every night after his tuition, he stayed up late near the tuition center till almost 12 and walk to the back alley path. But not once he saw her. One night, after his Physics tuition class he wanted to try the last time to walk the back alley again to meet the girl once more. When he went there, no one to be seen. He was very disappointed and walked through the back alley. Suddenly at the end of the alley, a voice was heard. " Are you looking for me? " said the girl. " Uhh, yeah... I wanted to ask you out to repay you..." , " No need! " the girl suddenly raise her voice and cut Xander sentence off. She turned her back on him and walked away.

Xander didn't gave up. Everyday he wait and walked the same way again. Sometimes, he meet the girl and chat about his life a while. Sometimes he didn't saw her and went straight back home. They begin to stick close to each other. One night, when both of them were chatting, Xander was wondering why she never said anything about her life. It's always been Xander who talks about his life. So he asked her. " Why you never told me anything about your life? " asked Xander. " I have no life. " said the girl. She ignored him a while. " It's quite late now. I think I have to go now. " said Xander. She nodded her head and Xander went away. When Xander look back, she is no where to be found.

Time passes too fast. It's Xander's last tuition lesson. He was very happy, yet frustrating because he no longer can walk that alley again. He went to see her, in a no mood condition. " What happened? " asked the girl with a caring voice. " I can't see you anymore. My tuition classes already finished. " said Xander. " I have a secret to tell you. This will be my last day seeing you... I had to go ... " said the girl sadly. " But... why? " Xander asked with full curiosity. " I am .... " suddenly a ray of light appeared on the girl. She was flying up towards the light and said. " I am a ghost. " He couldn't say anything but watch her to float up in the air. He was almost paralyzed. Suddenly, the light gone and she disappeared. Xander was speechless. The next day, he was on a holiday. He wanted to find his friend to discuss about this matter but his friend house was on the far east. He had to take the train. When he reached the LRT station, he saw a girl's back seem so much like the girl in the back alley. He tried to reach for her shoulder and suddenly disappeared! He felt down into the track. Suddenly he saw the girl infront of him. " I am Elaine. I died two years ago in the back alley, murdered by a bunch of snatchers. I could not be resurrected because no one came to visit me. I must exchange a human's life in order for my resurrection and the human is you. I had a feeling for you, but it's impossible for us to be together. And now, I'm sorry but you have to die. " said the girl. Suddenly, a hon from the train was heard. The train crushes Xander to pieces and the girl's soul disappeared. end of story.

A word or two from the author,
this story was inspired by me from a magazine i read few years ago. I somehow remembered it today and had to write it. The story maybe vary from the one from the magazine ( if some of you might read it before ). Enjoy!

P.S Sorry for the long and dragging story

Friday, December 4, 2009

Simple story - 5 minute deal.

Once upon a time, which is a year ago. There was a boy name Bobo. He was the ordinary teenage that felt in love with some popular pretty girls in school. Soon he realised that the girl name was Kmaey. He stalked her for almost a year by now. Bobo always left some flowers in her school desk. Blossomed white lilies. But, his effort was never been appreciated. Kmaey always thought that the guy that left the flowers was the guy she admired. One day, he manage to follow her back to home. Suddenly he saw a bunch of guys having an eye on her. He quickly go and had a fight with them in order to distract them while she walk away. The next day, he went to hospital. Nobody came to visit him, but that is alright for him. He thought that kmaey would come and visit him for his effort but no, she didn't. After the incident, he stopped giving the white lilies. Not because he given up, because he had his whole fortune wasted on the flowers. Few weeks later, his parents told him that they are moving to LA because his father just got a job promotion. He was very happy, in the same time very sad too. That night he stole his mother's wallet and bought some white lilies. He dared himself to sneak into her apartment. No one was at home. Bobo left the flowers on her desk and wanted to leave the house soon after that. But, a "tick" sound was heard and the lights were on. He know that he was going to be busted so he quickly ran. He saw Kmaey holding a knife and the next thing he knew, she stabbed him.

end of story ^^

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Clon's Post

Yesterday went to my aunt's new house. Big house, 3 floors but only 3 people live ( I suppose ). It was on a hill and you can see a view there. Left you have a big mosque and right you see other under construction houses. Inside was very big. My uncle had a 72inch plasma? I guess it's 72inch cause it's really big. There were 5 rooms and 2 of them are left empty as store. Quite a waste. But what to do people so rich =/. First went there, hang around downstairs and went up 2nd floor to play ps2 with my cousin. Not much happen before 2 annoying yet cute kids came. Never saw them before. Well I guess they were hyper active until jump here jump there. 1 say he is gangster 1 say he is monster. Let them zadou. My cousin was playing The Punisher, and it was very violent. But still the two of them can't remove their eyes off the tv. Before that me and my cousin were playing Smack Down. The "monster" keep steal my controller but never succeed XD.

After everything, it's time to feast! Not much of people there ( 20+ ) but the foods are quite a lot too. Er, okay okay I'll skip the feast later you all hungry come blame me =(. Went back up and online a while with my cousin laptop. When it's almost 10.30 we went back home. My sister was very tired until sleep in car [o(oo)o]

Come home, open pc. Sorry lah if I don't want the rose, people give geh some more red. I bu hao yi shi take lo ><". So that's almost everything. Hopefully everyone will start tuition-ing next month. It's gonna be a rough year for next year.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Clon's Post

Yawn. My eyes are closing now. My desktop now opening maple msn and google chrome. Feel so bored, nothing new to do. Everyday morning play till night then sleep. Brian pulak go vacation, cannot make gathering at his house and gamble. Flu again. How can I be having flu since the weather is so hot!? Ok maybe it's not the weather problem at all. Nothing much to post so I will just full stop after this.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Clon's Post

To all my readers, which is only my friends and this post is only for my friends. We will be gathering an outing again to Time Square on 10th December. We have special guest(s) which she happen to be my primary school friend. It's truly a long time since I've met her, roughly five years. In conjunction with that, we had a discussion today. Our original plan was 9th December but was postponed to 10th not just because of our special guest, and also because some of our friends had tuition too. So we hope that everyone is free on Thursday to give a big welcoming hand to our special guest. Don't act awkwardly just because you and them never met instead try be cheerful. But most of the time, I know, things won't always work too well as planned. Even though I know you all will still act awkwardly, haha! I'm sure that we will be splitting up after the movie ( Twilight Saga : New Moon ). This time, you won't be seeing me around the CCs anymore :D

On the other hand, I heard that Brian just got back from Vegas and lying his ass body in LA again now. He said that he went to Irvine too. Wonder where it is D: This is how a rich people travels when holiday~ Around the "world" in 61 days?

It's been a month and 8 days after PMR, doesn't look too well. I miss school so much. I miss the time we sat down and chat. I miss the time where I could enjoy things I do in school. And maybe, I'm missing YOU! Oh my god, that sounded GAY! Hahaha! When thinking that some of our friends are changing to "asrama" schools, it really felt strange. Like Ilham went off last year, still can remember his laughing face. Things do change, people will change but friendship never change. If you got a rough relationship with others, try asking people why does it happen. Most of the time, when a fella scolding another fella, he is actually putting money inside your pocket. Think about it, if people don't care about you, why the hell would they scold you? Too free? Just depends on HOW you think it. You know what and who I meant =)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Clon's Post - 2012 D:

Cool movie. All I could say. A lot computer animation, well they should have it to make such big movie. I sat and watched the movie till my butt numb. Let me explain a little about this movie. It's a good movie afterall just that it falls on 21st December ( according to Mayan's calendar ). I believe there are a lot of people having the same birthday with me and not so happy with it.

Is 2012 possible to happen?
I would say no. Yes there will be a "change" happening in 2012 but not so " kua jiong " like the movie.

What would really happen then?
Ask the scientist. Something about the magnetic field will change.

Like a lot of comments I've seen in other blogs, websites and in IMDB. It is truly a sad movie yet happen to awake humans. Cheers to Mr. Helmsley! He was the one who make us remember, what and why are we fighting for. Humanity? What if you happen to be outside of the ship? What would you feel? 1 billion Euro? Is that any normal family could afford? I believe that they SHOULD use all the resources available to save as many people as possible. I truly believe government from all over the country is doing something about it.

Have fun while you still CAN!
Do what you want to do, there isn't much TIME!
Say things you wanted to say!

and hopefully

things won't go any worse.



By the way, here is Bunkface - Through the Windows ( TM ads )

Friday, November 13, 2009

Clon's Post

Paiseh eh, long time no write blog. Not really free these days, "so-called". Everyday doing my same chores, wake up, open computer, open maple and start train. Play, eat and sleep. That's my life after PMR, pretty amusing huh. I intend to go on some activity soon, badminton perhaps. See whether got people want to book or might as well as I'm booking.

Tomorrow I'm off to SKTM for PBSM duty, as always. Never been better than dutying at there. Free food, sit back and enjoy. Kinda bored too, so bring some story books, comics and something for you to kill time there while waiting people to get injured! In the same time, on 2pm-4pm there's a 2x EXP event in Maple. Hope I could make it XD. In case you haven't notice, I play Maple to kill time too.

By the way, anyone remember the nuffnang cheque? I just bank in the RM56.50 into my account, well specifically my mom did it. Find one day we all go out to Mamak King and yumcha.

Back to the day, today was a little different from the other normal days. We had our Moral club jamuan @ Pizza Hut. Pretty interesting too. Saw some "leng lui" at there. Laugh a whole lot out while chatting with joe, kw and cheok. Fact is, WE CAN'T STOP TALKING!!! Saliva fly here fly there until all over the table. I talk to cheok, joe interupt. Thing like this also can joke . Wahlaooowehh <<>

That's all for today, keep ya' steady all the time.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Chapter 4 : The beginning of the End

Dimitri enjoyed his “Dim Sum” very well because he didn't had a good meal inside the hospital. Kelly was rather surprised to see him pale in the morning and in such good appetite now. “ Hey, don't choke yourself. Nobody is stealing your food. “ said Kelly. “ Uh, yeah.... I'm very thankful to god that I'd finally out from that hell hospital.” said Dimitri. Everyone else was enjoying the foods too. Even Jenna, the violent one ate like princess this time! “ Jenna, what's with the slow-eating style? I thoug]n. He was looking up at his ceiling. “ Haiz, I think I have to change the ceilings again. Water marks are everywhere. “ whispered Dimitri himself. While he as staring on his ceiling, a whitish-head-structured thing came out. Dimitri rubbed his eyes and see again. IT IS STILL THERE!! Suddenly the whitish-head-structured thing disappear. Dimitri stood up and check the ceiling. All of sudden the woman came out and shout. “ OVERBROOK “ . She disappear after it. Dimitri suddenly woke up and found that it's already late night. Apparently he actually fell asleep when he jumped onto the bed. Perhaps, it's a dream, or maybe not....

The next day, Kelly went to visit Dimitri. She was very curios as their conversation haven't end in the hospital yesterday. *Ding Dong*..*Ding Dong*..*Ding Dong*.. “Hmm? Nobody answered? Did he went out or something?” whispered Kelly. Kelly took out his phone and dial Dimitri's number. * Tut Tut *.. * Tut Tut * .. * Tut Tut *.. “ Sorry, the number you have dialed is not available. Please try again later. “. Kelly's face look worried. She had no idea what to do then she tried looking through the peephole at the door. It was quite hard for her to really see everything in there. When she was concentrating, suddenly an eye pop up! She fell down and the door opens slowly. Kelly is getting more and more terrified! She wanted to shout but it's too late...

Monday, November 2, 2009

Clon's Post - National Muzium trip

A not so thrilled yet tired trip. Not so thrilled is because stupid Planetarium was closed. Tired is because we had to walk up the stairs which is quite long. I wanted to sue the authorities. DO YOU THINK TOURISTS LIKE TO CLIMB STAIRS? Answer is YES. They like hot hot place, walk walk here, walk walk there, face all red red body all red red then give excuse " I'm so hot " and strip. Err, ok cut the imagination. The real answer is NO! They came to Malaysia to travel and what travels usually for? ENJOYING!! Instead of enjoy, authorities made them suffer. Why? Building off escalator take quite a budget. Every year how many juta juta income build some escalator need ribu ribu? Worse of the best, the fountain water is best. Feels cool. Too bad cannot jump in and have a swim LOL!

Anyway, here's the pictures. Not much of a photographer mood today because my camera no battery.

This was the funniest one of all.
" Sila tinggalkan barangan saiz besar anda di kaunter "
Everyone seem busy climbing stairs.
But wait!?! Why here nobody climb?
See all busy climb stairs.

another rangka tulang
Skulls, Homo sapiens and one don't know Homo what.
( not homosexual )

The sultan thingy. Wish I was there. Anyone can photoshop me in therE?
This is the view @ Taman Orchid ( It's the name of the place, Tsu Ann )
Outside the Planetarium. Too bad never went in!
Monkey monkey~
The small one quite cute, when not angry o.O

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Clon's Post - Another nothing to do day.

Another nothing-to-do-day came. Weeeee~ Enjoy you laughters .... or maybe just pure boring if you aren't a "mou liu" person like me. Your journey starts now....


Feeling bored?

Sorry, some technical problem. Your journey should arrive any time by now



You've arrived safely!

start with this. :) I don't know when I took this picture but this is great! XD
Singing song " Because Of You " by Kelly Clarkson

"Don't Cha" by Pussycat dolls, again -.-"
Bored of it edi so we changed to " Love Story " by Taylor Swift
Don't know why he F5 for.

Suddenly "Negaraku" by ....?
Oi Joe! Cannot close eyes one lah!
Ahem..see the chatbox then you'll know.
Why messed up edi? This is suppose to be on top of ^.
Ok. Remember edi so start singing.
Suddenly " Negarakuku "?!?! By Namewee.
Lastly, " I Gotta Feeling " by Black Eyes Peas
F7 what.

F5 for what again. -.-"

P.S. F5= Angry face.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Clon's Post

It's been almost a week now since my last post. There's not much of events happening throughout the week other than the cooking competition. The competition was fun. Sure, of course it was. I realised something back then. The so-called-truth you gave me.

We cooked "fried beehon" , "popia" and "agar agar". Most of the ingredients are supplied by the school. The equipments and cutlery also supplied by the school, only thing is it's dusty. Few guys went up to block D top floor at the end of the floor to get the cutleries. Man, the petroleum gases tongs are seriously heavy. Some more never ate anything that morning. Really exhaust me after doing it. Moving on, the first dish. We first prepared the ingredients and while other people preparing, Lik Hui went to garage to boil the agar agar. We were the "special" one because other people cook fried bee hon first. Suddenly, Lik Hui told me that the pot has some tiny black particles in it. I was like wtf? She told me to change the pot before teachers saw it. But still in the end, the agar agar was kinda the most tasty one.

I didn't went to school today, even though my policy is one day go one day ponteng. I don't feel like my existence really worth that much. So I decided not to. Four days ago, I've started to play MapleStory again. Succeeded in leveling once for my character. This is the picture of it. AND NO! I DID NOT CAUSED THAT GUY's DEATH

Here is some randoms from 2 weeks back. Warning, the following picture(s) may or may not contain sexual activities that a minor like you should not be watching.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Clon's Post - Graduation?!?! WHAT?!

Did you just saw GRADUATION? HEY!! It seems too EARLY for me to graduate. Well of course, idiot. I'm only 15 for god's sake. As always, start a whole new day with waking up in the morning. Woke up around 4.30 and actually thought it's 5.30. I was too blurry that time. It's a lovely morning, but my eyes are actually 90% closing. After finished everything, went to have a quick 15 minutes breakfast with my family near my father's work place. My father is going to Penang for about 3 days. It was a company annual trip. And yes, my father is not working in market anymore. Don't doubt that.

Reach school around 7.20. I thought EVERYONE had to come to school BEFORE 7.30. I saw Jun Hoe and one girl in school. I was surprised that Jun Hoe don't know that we have to wear tie ( or not ). I really rather forfeiting myself from the coral speaking because the collar shirt provided is ngam ngam my size or actually smaller. The sleeve is very short and the end of the shirt almost reach top of my pants. This is what you will get when you are FAT and TALL! Never mind about that. We skip all the boring practice part. But I do like the make up part XD!

Moments before the real performance, I'm wearing a striking blue tie borrowed from Su Wing. LOL!!
Throughout the performance nothing really went wrong. I guess. Rather funny when " I had a crush on Chee Keong "
After that we still have to sing " Negaraku " and our school song. I'm already sweating like hell after the
coral speaking. Finally everything settled, I went to find my mother and changed clothes. Went back home
soon after. When I see our teachers wash dishes, I was like LOL!! TEACHER WASH DISH? Some more is
Pn. Aslizan and Pn. Nurul wash. Pn. Aslizan surely gonna be MAD about this lol.

Pictures will be delayed. Please wait patient. Thank you. Have a nice day.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Clon's Post - KL Tower , KLCC Trip

Woke up around 6am and slept again. Woke up again at 6.20. Went to see TV like always. My favourite show, The Amazing Race. Never get bored watching it over and over again. Went to school. Wasn't really pleased to see people bringing bag and I'm not. I was very regret didn't listen to my mom's nagging to bring bag. Most importantly, shirts. I figure that just walking around see this see that. Didn't notice that there are jungle trekking ( or so-called ). Ah well, who cares! Gathered around in canteen. Things were good at first. Everyone has a positive face there. Until everyone gets TOO positive and jadi bising. Puan Aslizan went mad and start scolding, as always. Some more a few students came with home outfit. I felt funny for them. Think rationally next time.

Reach at KL tower around 8 something I guess. Can't remember 8 or 9. First stop is Jeletong Platform ( or known as Pelantar Jeletong )." Nice " view from up there. Those who went surely know what I'm saying. Haha! I've got a few pictures at there, going to post soon. Moving on, went downstairs again. Frickkin' pain for my ears when going up and down. Stupid air pressure. Once reach ground floor I saw some guy jumping off the KL tower! Well, of course they wore parachute. Everyone applause them as they landed. All mat saleh lai de.

Next stop, KLCC. Pretty boring here. How could KLCC doesn't even has a single CYBER CAFE IN IT? WHAT DAA HELLL!!!!! What to do, we're not shopaholics. Guess, Calvin Klein, Parkson and what more? Like I really do care about fashion ( maybe a little =3 ). Gathered around again at 2.30 where teachers left us. I hate to say but I had to say it out. How in the world the girls will fly to nowhere? I thought they were behind us. Had to wait them for about 30 minutes. In the mean time, guys in my bus already gone mad. Anas strip and everyone sing " I'm Yours " which happens to be my favourite song. Michael Jackson and so on. Had some pictures also.

Finally reach school in about 3.30. Still in one piece. Wasn't really a " unforgettable " trip and I don't wish to go there again!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Clon's Post

Sorry for the delay. Been lazy posting around things with pictures involving my phone. This was supposed to be posted on Monday but somehow my post got deleted and was never saved. So I'm going to post what happened on Saturday. Early in the morning, ahh..forget what I did. Let me think. Ah yes. That morning I went to McDonald's. I was actually applying a job there but doesn't seem successful cause it's been days since then. Not really counting on that job now. Then I went to Joe's house. I wasn't that pleasant to be told that he haven't woke up. So I just went in and sat there for a while. When he finally came down, I thought of make use of his internet for my forum purposes. But then he said his internet connection had been taken over by his bro. It was his bro's after all. What to do, still have to wait for Jia Chern there. Opened spider solitaire and started playing. An came and so did Jia Chern so we're off to our destination together. Bla bla bling bling bla. Regrouped together. Watched "Pandorum". It was a awesome movie. Even with the disturbing images and a few cut scenes. It was all about human being transferred to a planet called "Tanis". Things went bad on the way. Well I don't think I have to explain that much. Be sure to catch the movie if you haven't. It's a PG13 show by the way =/. After that, we all went to Cyber Cafe. It feels great when all of our DotA gang play together in one place. Feels so "proud" of it! LOL! We'll do it next time!

During bowling. See cheok's reaction? Priceless.

Gong Gong Gong! Seem so interesting there but actually nothing. They were just preparing.
Pretty magnificent piece of artwork. I think it's sand-made
Same goes for this. But this artwork was much more bigger than above one.
I was quite surprised when I first came in and saw gold-skinned-sexy-chicks there. I thought they were welcoming me. Sad they aren't.

Moving on. Sunday. What happened on Sunday. Oh yeah. Most of my friends went to Cik Rosnie's house ( I actually want write Puan but I scare she kill me LOL ) to her so-called Hari Raya party from what I've heard. Doesn't really feel regret for not going since they said it was quite havoc there. Not to mention in Darren's car! LOL! I'm not going to discuss the topic there since everyone in his car are in one piece now! I went to my not-so-casual-shopping with my parents. They don't usually go to Jusco and shopping and stuffs like that. It's just because my sister went there with her friends and we HAD to pick her up. So my mum thought of shopping there. First stop before Jusco, Joe's house again. Went there to take the external for formatting purpose. Then, go to Jusco. Suddenly, Nicholas called me. You know what you talked. I don't go anywhere even if she is there. Or vice versa, I don't care. A while more, Tzu Yee called me. As expected, they asked me to go. Yeah, I've changed my job from " mou liu yan " to " go-to-shopping-with-parents son " ( in chinese ). Went through the difficult 3 hours shopping. Went back. Third stop, Brian's house. Took the Windows 7 disc. The first thing I came back to my home I opened my computer. Settle all the backup and put in Joe's external. Installed Windows 7......for 5 TIMES!! I was stupid enough for that. Next morning format again. -.-

Pictures :
The new generation of Matrix Reloaded ( Neo ).


Early in the morning again, I know that some people are going to MPAJ for badminton. Doesn't seem like abnormal since everyone was online. It's like theres no event! Nothing much happened on Monday. Just some random things I usually do in my home, alone.


As normal, went to school. Really fcked up with the class attendance yet we are still advised ( FORCED ) to school. Discussed things about Choral Speaking. Be sure to watch me in Graduation Day. Then, I saw Joe they all play Monopoly Deal ( Diu ). It was fun. VERY FUNNY. But still got people complain boring >.> . Perhaps that is actually the reason we can't communicate well, LOL! Went down to Dewan for the rehearsal. It was very funny as well! But still, I was very hot and became a sweating machine back there! Finally, everything went well with the costumes. Just that mine is a little smaller >< ( I'm too FAT LOL! ). Eat alone in Ah pou there. Go home and now here =)

This post might be long, if you don't wish to read you can drop me a message @ the chatbox.

Anyway, I was thinking of continuing the ghost story I wrote. Don't know whether should continue or disband again. Thinking of writing Romance (x) for a long story.