Monday, November 29, 2010


The song  is suppose to be Right Now by Psy but I forgot to change it last night and changed it to Because You Loved Me by Taeyeon & Seohyun. This weekend only I change bah. I just noticed that Psy is actually a very charismatic person. Hes able to spice up the stage and do all kinds of stuff, provided he have his hair (haha!). When I notice him? Yesterday when he shares his stage with SNSD XD. 

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wedding Dinner

Today I went to my father's side relative's wedding dinner. I'm not sure who he was actually cause all the "ranking" are very complicated. I only know how to address the bridegroom's parents. Sorry if I'm being the 21st century guy. It is not that I don't respect the adat dan istiadat but don't you think its quite burdening to remember all the names to call? At least I do, sometime.

Come to think of it..the picture quality wasn't so bad afterall. 

In the picture above, the bridegroom is singing "Forever Love" by you know who and I don't know his name. The bride was at the other side (the bridegroom facing) and was waiting for him to end the song so that she could walk to him along with her father. There were live band at there too. 1 boy 2 girls. They sang both chinese and english songs and from the 80's to the modern one. At first I thought they were the friends of the bride/bridegroom but I was wrong. They were hired one. Haha! 

When the whole process was going on, I kept on thinking. If the bride was my sister what will I do? Will I be the MC? Or will I be wandering around with a mic (indirectly the MC XD). Then I think, if I'm the bridegroom then what will happen? LOL Seriously, there's nothing to do than thinking those things (other than on-ing the WiFi and facebook, ebuddy and so on).

When the dinner almost over, only the band sings it all out. Its like the climax song but they sang it in the end. A little bit unprofessional? =.=

We went back, the road was in a heavy traffic mode. Its because theres a road block up ahead. When we're almost at the road block, one proton wira quickly emerges from the left side and HIT US the car infront. He wanted to run but since hes stuck in the road block and along with few cars infront he can't do anything. Then got one police ran infront to stop him from running and then called him to pull over. The one kena hit went not too far ahead and also pull over to check on his bumper. The wira guy was way too lucky to hit someone in a road block full with cops (or JPJs). Haha! At first we really though that he hit us, but no. X)

Friday, November 26, 2010


Sorry for not updating for a few days, I was a busy man. Have to work for 8 hours a day. After come back from work, too tired to do anything at all. So didn't update my blog haha. Anyway, some short notes on what I did yesterday.

Yesterday I went to Time Square with my other 6 pals. We went to watch Rapunzel. Very interesting movie. It feels like I'm watching High School Musical. The whole movie was great, full of enjoyment and laughter. But when it comes to the singing part, definitely a no no to me. The romance part? Well, not currently in my field yet. Before we went to watch the show at 3.30, we survey around the shops. I even tried one shirt (but didn't manage to bring it back home, cause you know. I'm broke). I look good in it, do I?

After the movie, the other 6 pals of mine went back and left me all alone. I walked alone to Lowyat Plaza to get some stuff which is basically my old phone. I give people to repair it. When I was halfway there (TS>Lowyat), the wind suddenly blows VIGOROUSLY. I feel like I could be carried away too, NOT! I was stucked in between the bridge and Lowyat. Well luckily I have a hoodie, so I wear my hoodie and run towards Lowyat. Wasn't a bad experience though, although now I think I caught a cold already. 

Now, going back to TS is a bigger problem. It rains even heavily than just now. All I could do is walk around, see some handphones, laptops, mouse and leng luis games. I'm gonna skip this part till the night part. At night, my sister and her friends (and I) watched the Lelio Popo movie. Its a movie made locally with assistance from Singapore. Henry Thia was there. He looks pretty old though. Ah Niu was there too. Right after he went off the Gala Premiere stage, a lot (or two) reporters surrounded him. And a few more comes after that. I didn't manage to take any photos at all cause by this time my phone has ran out of battery. They say Amber Chia was there too though. I'm not too sure cause I don't recognize all the local celebrities. Anyway, of course the two Lelio Popos are here too. Its not a surprise cause they were the main actor. 

The movie was also awesome. Very humourous and have a fresh look. Consider informative cause there are few touching scenes. Seriously this is a good movie to watch if you are going with your families. Friends will do too (as this for the comedy part)! There is one phrase which one of the actor always says that are pretty funny too. "Hao Li Hai Meh?" XD

Monday, November 22, 2010

First day of work

If you guys could recall, I once worked for McDonalds during the Raya period. Well, now I'm working for them again. If I wasn't in desperate for money, I wouldn't work for them like seriously. I don't want myself to be working in the same environment again. At least change to some other fields would be better lah. Before I confirmed that I was going to work for McD, I called Wei Loong and asked about the Uniqlo job. He said that a lot were going for the interview and not sure whether they hire or not. Biasalah, new shopping complex with the latest trend of fashions? Some more with a pretty good paying of RM8/hr. If you're lucky enough, you might get to spot some hot leng luis (or leng zhais if you prefer XD)

I saw this photo on the public buses. I thought it was some airlines offer cause what they stated was JAPAN TO MALAYSIA something...and I never really did paid much attention to public bus advertisement. They just suck. 
So today was my first day of work since 2 months of fighting the exam war. It wasn't that great as I would imagined. I thought that I will be working in the kitchen again but I was totally wrong. There are too many workers in the kitchen, especially malays. I know that I have no chance to work in kitchen that time. The girl manager called me to go lobby. As in, clean your table, throw the rubbish, mop the floor, sweep the floor and wipe the glass door. Perhaps it looks simple to you, but its actually not much harder than you thought it would. Yeah, the job is quite tiring but you don't have to rush to keluar product like when I'm in kitchen. Working in lobby is quite relaxing actually when there is no one around. But, like I said, NO ONE AROUND. It gets pretty boring and the time just pass very slow that would make a turtle laugh. Takpe loh. This is work. You don't get to whine what your boss tells you to do, or else you belok kiri (in other words, quit the job). 

I was pretty stressed up when it almost comes to my end of work session. I was supposedly to work at 9 and end at 3, then the manager called me to work at 8.30 (I arrived early, its around 8.30 that time) and end at 4. My sister was already waiting at there when its 3 o'clock. And she was not looking too good. I'm somehow stucked in the middle and I can't really go against both sides. So yeah, its pretty stressful that time. 

So don't blame me if I were to act strangely just now. @Cheok Ming, if you ever sees this blog again. LOL!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Ah..I forgot to post this earlier before the PS2 post. As you can see I have changed my domain name to from but you will still be redirected to the .com page if you type So don't worry if you can't get used to type only the .com there. 

So why did I use my new domain? Yeng loh, what else XD. Well, the thing is first its free by Exabytes. The domain will stay free for one year and if I want to renew it, it would cost RM99 I think, not so sure about this part. I know that you might be interested into this so I'm linking you a photo in their facebook fanpage and see the instructions in the photo here. You also might have to like their fanpage first before you can upload your photo in their fanpage.

If you ever need assistance in the process of claiming the domain, do not hesitate to contact their customer service. Their customer service is VERY VERY good I would say. Very fast reply with solution every replies. They will help you to setup the DNS for you and do a lot of stuff for you if you asked. I will say I definitely will renew the website in about a year later. Despite that, do you know that the deadline is tomorrow? So do what you have to do, in haste!

Bye PS2!

After few days of contacting the buyer, making ways to sort out the place to trade the item finally its done. Although its a bit sad to let go of my PS2 but yeah, it had to go. Well, speaking frankly I haven't been touching that PS2 for a long time. The buyer said that he come all the way from Kedah then Shah Alam. I was surprised at first but not too long after. If you have to ask why I sell it, I want to fund for my new phone. Remember few days ago I said I was in dilemma situation? The thing is, I'm confused which phone to buy. HTC Aria or HTC Wildfire. Do give me some suggestions but well if you are not geek enough just tell me which one suits the stylish me :D

Sorry I wasn't ready for camera shoot. I was watching the TV HAHA!

OK ACTION! Emo look..hard to let go my PS2. (But if you see clearly I was smiling LOL!)

Bye. See you again in the next life! 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Back on track!

Did I mentioned that I in the last post that the dinner that we were supposed to go wasn't successful? Well, yesterday night we managed to go there again, with less traffic! We went out around 6 odd but the day was already dark and looks late (probably around 7-8, dawn). Judging from the weather, I guess that we won't be around in this world for long, touchwood! So we were on the highway for about 25 minutes and finally we reached the destination. Thanks to my supercalifragilisticexpialidocious sister, my father drove the wrong way and have to U-turn in order to back back on the track. Despite that, we weren't late and still managed to find a comfortable seats at there. There were not much people there at first, mostly malays. When the time getting late, more and more people are coming and still mostly malays too! I bet that people live nearby here knows that the restaurant serves no pork and the HALAL sign is there. 

And again, here comes my big appetite. I took like MASSIVE number of foods (mostly the foods there are seafoods) and ate it all quickly. I was actually waiting for their twelve flavours of ice cream! There are a lot of good desserts, one of it is the Chocolate Fondue. When you put the Chocolate Fondue on top of the ice cream as topping with a stick of biscuit, you can almost skip your dinner already!


Yummy :)

I didn't took much photos (AGAIN!) cause I was busy eating and the environment there doesn't really suits me. Not that their place is dirty, its clean but it just lack something. If you ever going to there, head off to and find out their address! As I know they have two outlets, one near Sunway Piramid and another is at Setapak. See which one closest to you and probably you've earned yourself a stuffed dinner. If you take a look on their foods in the website, scallops were there. But the restaurant I went did not have scallops. Probably they ran out of stocks or only available in the Sunway Piramid outlet, I'm not sure. Anyhow, they do serve foods decently. I probably rank them second so far (out of two steamboat restaurants I've been to! Haha) and the first is still the Lot 10 Shabu One! Their chicken wings are AWESOME! 

My sis

My dad and mom

Me and my mom on the street. 

Oh ya, before I forgot. Did I mention that you have to pay the parking fees if you want to park outside the shop lots? If you're someone who are pretty much particular with these small fees, you can instead park outside of the place and walk in. Don't worry, nobody is gonna chase you away if you enter inside without paying cause its free of charge (only applies if you walk! =D)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A unsuccessful dinner with my family!

We were going our for dinner. We thought of heading to Setapak there to eat steamboat. Today my father worked a little bit late than usual, he got back at almost 8. We leave the house around 8.20. We went to get some bills cleared first then only we head towards the destination. Upon arriving at the highway, it was jam like hell! Maybe because of all the peoples that are going back to kampung because tomorrow Haji kan...I don't blame them. So we ran into another route and went back to Pandan Indah there and awfully went to Steven's Corner. I ordered a plate of Nasi Goreng Kambing with Mango Ice Blended. After I ordered the Ice Blended only I remember that last time I did the same and the taste sucks a lot. It is TOO sweet! So my sister ordered Black Pepper Lamb Chop and both my parents got themselves Nasi Campur. 

When my plate of Nasi Goreng Kambing arrived, I thought that the "spicy" sign in the menu means its a little bit spicy. I was TOTALLY WRONG. The first spoon was still okay. The second is still consider okay. The third one its a little spicy. My heads full of sweats when I take the 5th spoon. It feels like I could do something like this

Okay, perhaps that is too much. It feels like my mouth is burning. I quickly grab my "tasteless" Ice Blended and drink it. It feels even weird because sweet and spicy combines together in my mouth. In my mind, oh shit this time definitely I can't fully digest the food now (siu fa pat liong). When I finished everything, I feel like I want to vomit out the food that I eaten. It feels like the food is building up my stomach lining and reaching the oesophagus part. Want to vomit, also cannot. In the end, didn't vomit and manage to come back home in one peace. I still don't feel very good about it...perhaps tomorrow I should go get some white porridge to eat instead. 

Monday, November 15, 2010

"Final" day of school!

Hmm...I guess that today should consider the last day of school for me. Tomorrow is holiday, so is Wednesday. Thursday not sure whether going or not but 90% not going and Friday? Who's gonna be there to observe COWS being slaughtered? It's like freaking disgusting and I can't even eat it afterwards. Waste of my time sia! 

Anyway, today school weren't that much of people and I mean NO form 3. Enjoy while you can, while you STILL can! Well it was complete boredom because I literally forgot to bring chinese chess. So we play "Cho Dai Di" for almost the rest of the day? We took our Form 5 text books, but mine was incomplete and so is others because not all Form 5 have returned their book. They still have to sit for their SPM, don't blame! 

One more thing to share, today I learnt how to solve a Rubik's cube, well only the first two parts..HAHAHA!! It's kinda fun actually cause you get to work out your brain a little and its quite a time consuming process if you don't know how to solve it (LIKE ME!). Duhhh! 

I attached a video here, in case you wanna learn...meh! Do remember me if you come out as an enthusiast for Rubik's Cube. 

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Epic Pasar Malam Trip

I went for dinner at the "chap fan" there. As always, that place is always crowded. When want to take food even havoc. Everyone is like never eat rice before, it feels like all the foods NO NEED PAY ONE! Wtfish.

After we finished our meals, we went to pasar malam for a quick walk to buy some "biscuits". The reason why its called "biscuits" because I don't know its name and it doesn't seem to shape like a biscuit so "biscuit" it is. After that we walked up a little and got myself a strawberry bubble tea. When it was halfway done, it suddenly rained. After 10 seconds, it was cats and dogs. My mother, my sister and I quickly go to the opposite street and wait under a big tree (okay, it wasn't a good idea but its not thunderstorm so I don't have anything else to worry about) for my father. When my father reached, I was already QUITE wet. If I didn't get the bubble tea, probably I won't be THIS wet. 

Epic fail pasar malam trip. 


Wow, I didn't noticed that my IE homepage was till I opened it to download some porn movie. Probably its because last time I installed SNSD Daum Screensaver into my computer and it automatically set my browser to (I don't use IE as my primary browser, Chrome rocks). That explains why it took so long for me to find out :P

Saturday, November 13, 2010

PBSM Jamuan

Yeah you know, our typical annual "dinner" for our society (whatever you named it) basically suck-a-lot compared to the past years. Well, I don't mind, since playing water is what we came for haha! Anyway, I arrived school early today, VERY early like 15 minutes earlier than what I told the AJKs to come. What make me more sad is that somehow the clock for the AJKs probably aren't working, or mine was set 15 or 30 minutes earlier. Hmm, never mind for that. Starting up the fire for the BBQ was awful. It took basically an hour to like start the fire. It's at LEAST better than last time at Tsu Ann's house party. It took, 3 hours? LOL!

Anyway, the food leftovers were too much especially the chicken and the meehon (or just chicken and meehon XD). Some more the chicken got flies on it (some were in it?). When I heard that, my kak yeh fan want to vomit out already. But that is still fine, since I was kinda full that time so I don't have to risk myself to eat the chicken. So we proceed to the games. The game was by Pn Lim, our "teacher advisor" (GURU PENASIHAT). The game goes like, one people go out and tell 4 things which is true about themselves and 1 thing which is false. When its my turn, I said five things. 
1. I have three blogs (true)
2. I am the smartest guy in the world (surely false, but not taken as a statement by Pn Lim)
3. I like SNSD (true)
4. My house is very big (well, considering the shop below I would say quite big)
5. I wear spec since I was standard five (which is I'm not sure myself)

I did say another five, but I cham with the top five also. So, I'm not really sure what's what. Ah, what the heck!

After that we proceed to cleaning part. All AJK help each other to clean things, the floor, the plates, the cups and the foods. Although the juniors did not take initiative to help, but its still ok. We know you're shy and all those. We were once in your shoes too! And finally, the climax activity of the day.  PLAY WATER! At first all the girls were staying inside the canteen, but then thanks to ME! Lik Hui was the first victim (sorry about that), then Tsu Ann, then Yee Yan and finally Tzu Yee! I think someone was pissed off of me pouring the water right at her face. Never mind lah, its just a game. We're here for FUN and FUN will I grant you. So after all that, we changed and went back home. I forgot to take my shirt back :P


Like I said, it took almost an hour to start the fire. 

and I was picking up small piece charcoals to burn

From far, Nicholas!

They are washing the Hotdogs and Hams. 

Our EX president.XD

The chicken. Looks like redang, taste like redang, smells like poop. 


Yer... =.=


It looks like its full of smoke. Is RIKI there?

Nice background!

Ancient man style of lighting up the COCK BRAND Fire starter...

Photo credits to Kah Wai :P


Thursday, November 11, 2010


Well, I went to Wangsa Walk with my sis to watch premiere screening of Skyline. The movie was AWSOME. Hmm, what should I rate you? 7/10? Probably that's WAY too much! 

All I can say is, the movie is rather confusing, you have to work a little for your brain in order to know the plot. Again, the plot itself is upside down, confuse the audience even more. The starting is like the near-climax-stage already. Seriously, this movie either lack of production fee, or they want audience to anticipate for the next episode (or rather, the next episode will never exist). What I like about the movie was because they uses the concept of human brain. WARNING, SPOILER ALERT. The robots (as you can see in the trailer) are to somehow collect your brains and use it to power their machines. Maybe because we, human didn't completely uses the power of our brains. Research shows that normal human beings use only 2-3% of the human's brain power while those people such as Einstein or so uses only up to 5%. Imagine we could fully use our brain, what could it be? Levitating power? Haha!

Anyway, I didn't take photos. First reason is because I forgotten to bring my camera (or I was too lazy? XD). Second is, I don't want my readers to suffer for bad quality picture and get their eyes sore of my powderful handphone camera. Third is, THERE ARE NOTHING TO TAKE PICTURE FOR (sorry Robb, if you see this :D)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

iOS 4.2 speeds up your iPhone 3G

If any of you folks still have an iPhone 3G and you are dying of frustrations because of the lags after updating to iOS 4? Don't worry! iOS 4.2 is here to solve your problem! 

This update covers a major improvement from its original iOS 4 that solves a serious performance issues. Even though iOS 4.1 manage to speed up the performance a little, but its not a thing that the users worth not to throw it for. Before this, there was a girl who claimed that her iPhone becomes "completely unusable" and decided to sue Apple because they did not provide any support for her device. The girl that was a San Diego resident said that Apple knew that this update (iOS 4) will bring impact onto the device but releases it anyway without first informing iPhone 3G and 3GS users about it.

To see is to believe, below is a video that videotaped to show how the new iOS 4.2 works with typing and internet browsing. 

A quick look at the iOS 4.2 on iPhone 3G

Blacksheep saves the day from public WiFi hackers!

If you guys could recall, previously I talked about Firesheep which is a Firefox add-ons that can hack into people's account using public WiFi. Well, did that stopped you from doing what you do best? I hope not, that is why Blacksheep is here! 

Blacksheep is another Firefox add-on that can (and will) basically block the hackers from grabbing your account details for your Facebook, Twitter etc, making you browse calmly. How it exactly works? BlackSheep detects those Firesheep requests by making requests to random sites known to Firesheep every few minutes with fake values. If this fake value is grabbed by someone, BlackSheep is able to detect that and notify you in your browser. 

Seems too confusing about the use of BlackSheep? Watch the video here and learn a thing or two about BlackSheep, if you are those who travels a lot with a laptop that dies for a WiFi connection.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Mun Seng's Birthday

Yesterday we went to Pavilion and Lot 10 to do LOTSA stuffs, or I mean, just watching movie and steamboat :P. There are 7 people who was going for both movie and the dinner (steamboat). I said reach Cempaka at 10am, but those fools who don't know English or I'm not sure wtf* is his problem he come at 10.30 or later. Didn't your teacher teach you to be punctual! WTF! After almost an hour of waiting, finally everyone is here and off we go. I'm gonna skip here and go straight to the photos since nothing much happen. Oh before I forgot, did I mention about "Ip Man" in the train? XD

Someone was doing stunts for bicycle and skates. We were lucky enough to see this biker to fail his stunt XD

When we settled down for lunch, Maxis centre was just right infront of us, with the irritating iPhone banner!

Two items cost RM114.10! XD

Finally dinner time. Can you see how many scallops I've taken? XD

If you know what is this, it's seriously nice right? 

Our boss, drinking his tea or was it orange juice? Hmm...

4 different type of soup. We were quite satisfied with the Tomyam :P

More scallops and mussels...

We're halfway done here. 

The cake's look, which is ruined by our lovely birthday boy.

Did he washed his face?

It seemed like it's my birthday, but its not! HAHAHA!!!


Super hancur time change another girl to cut ok?

Picture with Chai. 

We're thinking something...

This is the work of a spy..not me.

Do you need me to get you a pin?

Birthday boy show his lovely nice butt. 

I'm guessing what are you guys doing...


No eye see betul..

What the hell is this look...

Don't you guys think you are too close? XD

Lik Hui had an awkward face. *hehehe*. Stupid Tsu Ann's hand, ruined this picture. 


can you see "something" here....? Maybe..? XD

Should you wish to see more photos, you can always refer to my album here. Feel free to comment but watch the limit. Cheers for Mun Seng!