Monday, November 22, 2010

First day of work

If you guys could recall, I once worked for McDonalds during the Raya period. Well, now I'm working for them again. If I wasn't in desperate for money, I wouldn't work for them like seriously. I don't want myself to be working in the same environment again. At least change to some other fields would be better lah. Before I confirmed that I was going to work for McD, I called Wei Loong and asked about the Uniqlo job. He said that a lot were going for the interview and not sure whether they hire or not. Biasalah, new shopping complex with the latest trend of fashions? Some more with a pretty good paying of RM8/hr. If you're lucky enough, you might get to spot some hot leng luis (or leng zhais if you prefer XD)

I saw this photo on the public buses. I thought it was some airlines offer cause what they stated was JAPAN TO MALAYSIA something...and I never really did paid much attention to public bus advertisement. They just suck. 
So today was my first day of work since 2 months of fighting the exam war. It wasn't that great as I would imagined. I thought that I will be working in the kitchen again but I was totally wrong. There are too many workers in the kitchen, especially malays. I know that I have no chance to work in kitchen that time. The girl manager called me to go lobby. As in, clean your table, throw the rubbish, mop the floor, sweep the floor and wipe the glass door. Perhaps it looks simple to you, but its actually not much harder than you thought it would. Yeah, the job is quite tiring but you don't have to rush to keluar product like when I'm in kitchen. Working in lobby is quite relaxing actually when there is no one around. But, like I said, NO ONE AROUND. It gets pretty boring and the time just pass very slow that would make a turtle laugh. Takpe loh. This is work. You don't get to whine what your boss tells you to do, or else you belok kiri (in other words, quit the job). 

I was pretty stressed up when it almost comes to my end of work session. I was supposedly to work at 9 and end at 3, then the manager called me to work at 8.30 (I arrived early, its around 8.30 that time) and end at 4. My sister was already waiting at there when its 3 o'clock. And she was not looking too good. I'm somehow stucked in the middle and I can't really go against both sides. So yeah, its pretty stressful that time. 

So don't blame me if I were to act strangely just now. @Cheok Ming, if you ever sees this blog again. LOL!

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