Monday, November 8, 2010

Mun Seng's Birthday

Yesterday we went to Pavilion and Lot 10 to do LOTSA stuffs, or I mean, just watching movie and steamboat :P. There are 7 people who was going for both movie and the dinner (steamboat). I said reach Cempaka at 10am, but those fools who don't know English or I'm not sure wtf* is his problem he come at 10.30 or later. Didn't your teacher teach you to be punctual! WTF! After almost an hour of waiting, finally everyone is here and off we go. I'm gonna skip here and go straight to the photos since nothing much happen. Oh before I forgot, did I mention about "Ip Man" in the train? XD

Someone was doing stunts for bicycle and skates. We were lucky enough to see this biker to fail his stunt XD

When we settled down for lunch, Maxis centre was just right infront of us, with the irritating iPhone banner!

Two items cost RM114.10! XD

Finally dinner time. Can you see how many scallops I've taken? XD

If you know what is this, it's seriously nice right? 

Our boss, drinking his tea or was it orange juice? Hmm...

4 different type of soup. We were quite satisfied with the Tomyam :P

More scallops and mussels...

We're halfway done here. 

The cake's look, which is ruined by our lovely birthday boy.

Did he washed his face?

It seemed like it's my birthday, but its not! HAHAHA!!!


Super hancur time change another girl to cut ok?

Picture with Chai. 

We're thinking something...

This is the work of a spy..not me.

Do you need me to get you a pin?

Birthday boy show his lovely nice butt. 

I'm guessing what are you guys doing...


No eye see betul..

What the hell is this look...

Don't you guys think you are too close? XD

Lik Hui had an awkward face. *hehehe*. Stupid Tsu Ann's hand, ruined this picture. 


can you see "something" here....? Maybe..? XD

Should you wish to see more photos, you can always refer to my album here. Feel free to comment but watch the limit. Cheers for Mun Seng!

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