Sunday, November 21, 2010

Bye PS2!

After few days of contacting the buyer, making ways to sort out the place to trade the item finally its done. Although its a bit sad to let go of my PS2 but yeah, it had to go. Well, speaking frankly I haven't been touching that PS2 for a long time. The buyer said that he come all the way from Kedah then Shah Alam. I was surprised at first but not too long after. If you have to ask why I sell it, I want to fund for my new phone. Remember few days ago I said I was in dilemma situation? The thing is, I'm confused which phone to buy. HTC Aria or HTC Wildfire. Do give me some suggestions but well if you are not geek enough just tell me which one suits the stylish me :D

Sorry I wasn't ready for camera shoot. I was watching the TV HAHA!

OK ACTION! Emo look..hard to let go my PS2. (But if you see clearly I was smiling LOL!)

Bye. See you again in the next life! 

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