Monday, November 15, 2010

"Final" day of school!

Hmm...I guess that today should consider the last day of school for me. Tomorrow is holiday, so is Wednesday. Thursday not sure whether going or not but 90% not going and Friday? Who's gonna be there to observe COWS being slaughtered? It's like freaking disgusting and I can't even eat it afterwards. Waste of my time sia! 

Anyway, today school weren't that much of people and I mean NO form 3. Enjoy while you can, while you STILL can! Well it was complete boredom because I literally forgot to bring chinese chess. So we play "Cho Dai Di" for almost the rest of the day? We took our Form 5 text books, but mine was incomplete and so is others because not all Form 5 have returned their book. They still have to sit for their SPM, don't blame! 

One more thing to share, today I learnt how to solve a Rubik's cube, well only the first two parts..HAHAHA!! It's kinda fun actually cause you get to work out your brain a little and its quite a time consuming process if you don't know how to solve it (LIKE ME!). Duhhh! 

I attached a video here, in case you wanna learn...meh! Do remember me if you come out as an enthusiast for Rubik's Cube. 

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