Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A unsuccessful dinner with my family!

We were going our for dinner. We thought of heading to Setapak there to eat steamboat. Today my father worked a little bit late than usual, he got back at almost 8. We leave the house around 8.20. We went to get some bills cleared first then only we head towards the destination. Upon arriving at the highway, it was jam like hell! Maybe because of all the peoples that are going back to kampung because tomorrow Haji kan...I don't blame them. So we ran into another route and went back to Pandan Indah there and awfully went to Steven's Corner. I ordered a plate of Nasi Goreng Kambing with Mango Ice Blended. After I ordered the Ice Blended only I remember that last time I did the same and the taste sucks a lot. It is TOO sweet! So my sister ordered Black Pepper Lamb Chop and both my parents got themselves Nasi Campur. 

When my plate of Nasi Goreng Kambing arrived, I thought that the "spicy" sign in the menu means its a little bit spicy. I was TOTALLY WRONG. The first spoon was still okay. The second is still consider okay. The third one its a little spicy. My heads full of sweats when I take the 5th spoon. It feels like I could do something like this

Okay, perhaps that is too much. It feels like my mouth is burning. I quickly grab my "tasteless" Ice Blended and drink it. It feels even weird because sweet and spicy combines together in my mouth. In my mind, oh shit this time definitely I can't fully digest the food now (siu fa pat liong). When I finished everything, I feel like I want to vomit out the food that I eaten. It feels like the food is building up my stomach lining and reaching the oesophagus part. Want to vomit, also cannot. In the end, didn't vomit and manage to come back home in one peace. I still don't feel very good about it...perhaps tomorrow I should go get some white porridge to eat instead. 

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