Sunday, November 14, 2010

Epic Pasar Malam Trip

I went for dinner at the "chap fan" there. As always, that place is always crowded. When want to take food even havoc. Everyone is like never eat rice before, it feels like all the foods NO NEED PAY ONE! Wtfish.

After we finished our meals, we went to pasar malam for a quick walk to buy some "biscuits". The reason why its called "biscuits" because I don't know its name and it doesn't seem to shape like a biscuit so "biscuit" it is. After that we walked up a little and got myself a strawberry bubble tea. When it was halfway done, it suddenly rained. After 10 seconds, it was cats and dogs. My mother, my sister and I quickly go to the opposite street and wait under a big tree (okay, it wasn't a good idea but its not thunderstorm so I don't have anything else to worry about) for my father. When my father reached, I was already QUITE wet. If I didn't get the bubble tea, probably I won't be THIS wet. 

Epic fail pasar malam trip. 

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